So many languages

Publié le 26 avr. 2021 il y a 3A par ceyda.nsl - Fin › 28 avr. 2021 dans 3A

Sujet du devoir

bonjours je suis nouvelle sur le site et jsp trop comment sa marche je m'excuse d'avance ..


a. Look at the flag. How does it differ from the original? Imagine the topic of the article.  


b. Read the article. What words are repeated? What is the article about? 



c. Now classify the languages and recap.


voici le texte :


What are South Africa's most spoken languages in 2019? Stats SA has published the latest results of the South African General Household Survey and here are the most spoken languages in and outside of South African households. June 3, 2019 The General HoUsehold Survey covers six areas and provides a trend forecast across a 17-year period since it was introduced. One of those areas includes languages spoken in and out of South African homes. Nationally, just over one quarter (25.3%) of individuals spoke isiZulu at home, whle 14.8% of individuals spoke isiXhosa, and 12.2% spoke Afrikaans. English spoken by 8.1% of individuals at home, making it the sixth most common holie language in South Africa. English is, however, the second most commonly spoken language outside e household (16.6%) after isiZulu (25.1%), and preceding Isixhosa (12.8%). It is notable that the use of mk languages outside the household declined, with the notable exceptions


donc je dois lire un texte et regarde le drapeau de l'afrique du sud

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

je ne comprend pas l'exercice dsl...

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