What type of pupil are you ?

Publié le 17 sept. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 19 sept. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Il faut écrire un paragraphe de 150 mots sur l'élève que je suis et je vais vous proposer ce que j'ai écris et dîtes moi si c'est bon, si je peux améliorer quelque chose .. merci d'avance. :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

To begin sometimes I get up late on school days so I can be lazy sometimes .. I always listen to the teacher and I often participate in my English class that's why I think I am a student attentive and active but every now and then I am late for English class because my bus is late. Everyday I revise my lessons of English beacause English is very important in computer and in trade and for learn well I always ask for help to the teacher if I find something difficult, it's good for me I am curious but perhaps that tired the teacher ? I try to talk loudly and clearly for a good prononciation. In conclusion I try to be sociable for I make a lot of friends and sometimes I forget one material, that's not good.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 sept. 2011
Eh bien je voulais dire que j'essaie d'être sociable pour avoir des amis et des fois j'oublies quelque chose, un matériel ce qui n'est pas bon.
Je l'ai mal dis ?

Sinon merci j'ai corrigé pour la première ligne :D
Posté le 17 sept. 2011
D'accord merci beaucoup, à la prochaine :)
Posté le 18 sept. 2011
I sometimes get up late on school days. So I can sometimes be lazy. ... In order to make progress in English, I always ask my teacher to help me when I need further explanation or I meet some problems. I am a curious person and it maybe annoying to my teacher. I try to be sociable and to make a lot of friends. Sometimes I sometimes do not pay attention and may forget one material and I know it's not good but I am working on it.

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