carte postale

Publié le 27 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

je dois decrire mes vacances en fesant une carte postale et en decrivant se que j'ai fais pendant ses dix jours de vacance .

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

my holiday begins Monday, October 24: the day I was resting in the evening I went to my internship I pool or meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. ET I finished at 21:30 for These and now I'm doing my warming of swimming tecnhique that fesais habdo the work, for example, fifty swimming back, have lots of water and have fesais the exercise of abdo. On Tuesday, I went out to see friends and evening. Wednesday, I begin to do my homework for not too long, then in the evening at 19:30, I go swimming until 9:30 p.m. during the training I do my warm up and then 8:00 p.m. and substance to the end. On Thursday, I went to see my family. Friday, I went back to do my homework and dinner from 19:30 to 21:00, I did the same thing last Monday. Saturday, I go play outside with friends, on Sundays. The week is complete, I review the day and evening I celebrate Halloween, so dress up as any vampire, I was the sone is people asking for treats. Tuesday, I went back to work on Wednesday and then I can relax a little and review my lessons. here is how to spend my holidays.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 27 oct. 2011 crois que tu n'es pas obliger de tout donner les détails.

par exemple: On Monday : I was going to...
On tuesday : I was hanging out with my friends.
Posté le 28 oct. 2011
d'accord sinon c'etais bien ou pas ?
Posté le 2 nov. 2011
To begin with Monday when i went to my intership to swimming pool then i was finished at 7.30pm afterward (ensuite) i went back home that was so tiring(fatiguant).On Tuesday, i went out to see my friend we went to shopping,i have past a good time.The next day i started my homework then the afternoon i made sport because i love that .My family have made a surprise party that was so funny.The next day i did made nothing just relaxe and i watched tv.Oh! I forgot we have celebrate halloween i was dressed as a vampire ,that was a wonderful evening i made scared my mother she didn't recognize me (elle ne m'a pas reconnue).the last days i did my homework and i learned my lesson.Finally i spent a good holiday and i hope you too! I waited your letter!:) Bon j'espere que je t'ai aider j'ai enlever les details car tu en disait trop car n'oublie pas que tu écrie une carte postal ;)

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