correction d'une lettre de motivation en anglais

Publié le 26 déc. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 déc. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

je dois faire une lettre de motivation en anglais, je l'ai faite, mais j'aimerais que l'on me corrige et qu'on m'aide à l'amélioré .. merci d'avance.
ps : j'ai choisis le métier de babysitter

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Madam, sir I ask you of approve my letter in support of application.
My name is Vanessa Alesci, I study in the college Honoré Daumier on Martigues. I am fourteen years old.

Creative and playful, I know the play and find their occupations, but I can also help the larger their homework.

Serious and responsible, I shall take care of your children and to convince you, I suggest we meet.

In the meantime, please accept, Madam, the assurances of my respectful consideration.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 déc. 2010
euh, c'est google traduction?
quelque chose comme ca serait mieux:
Mr, Mrs.
My name is Vanessa Alesci, I'm fourteen years old and I study in the Honoré Daumier College on Martigues (?)
I'm creative and playful, (cette phrase je ne l'ai pas comprise, merci google) I can play with children but I can also help them with their homework. I'm serious and responsible. I would like to take care of your children.
So, to convince you to take me as a babysitter, I suggest we meet one day.
Greetings (ou tu mets ce que tu veux) .
Posté le 26 déc. 2010
j'ai autre chose si non : My name is vanessa alesci, i'm fourteen years old and i study in the college honore daumier
Estimating naturally children's company, I'm used to knot easily the contact with them whatever their age.

Creative and player, I will be able to amuse them and find them activities, but I can also help the oldest to do homeworks.

Serious and responsible, I shall know how to to take care of children.
So, to convince you to take me as a babysitter, I suggest we meet one day.

c'est peut etre mieu? :s

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