Devoir 10 CNED 4éme Anglais urgent pour demain!! ...

Publié le 1 juin 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 juin 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

Mission 1 : Compréhension écrite
(4 points)
Amazing Inventions!
We use thousands of inventions everyday. The following are some of the most popular
inventions developed recently. Match the inventions to the text describing their discovery:
Give a title to each text among the following.
World Wide Web DVDs (Digital Video Discs) Cellular Telephones Google

Å TITLE: The invention of ………………………………
Millions of people use the **************** every day at home, at school, and in the
office. Tim Berners-Lee came up with the idea for the ****************while working
at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research. While at CERN, BernersLee found it difficult to share information with other scientists, and created a network
as a new way to share information. This new graphical system was very easy to use and
allowed information to be shared all around the world using the ****************.
The ****************was first introduced in 1991, and it has been an amazing success
ever since.

Ç TITLE: The invention of ………………………………
As a research project at Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry Page created a search
engine that listed results according to the popularity of the pages, after concluding
that the most popular result would often be the most useful. After raising $1 million
from family, friends and other investors, the pair launched the company in 1998.
****************has since become the world’s most popular search engine, receiving
more than 200 million queries each day.

É TITLE: The invention of ………………………………
A company named Matshusita first introduced ****************in 1995. It can store
more information than a compact disc, and has already begun to replace VHS videotapes.
There are two main types of ****************: ****************-Video and
****************-Audio. ****************-Video is the one that many people are
familiar with for watching movies in their homes. ****************-Audio is similar
to a music CD. Both types can also be used on a computer and will probably gradually
replace CD-ROM. **************** allows a large amount of high-quality information
to be stored at little cost.

Ñ TITLE: The invention of ………………………………
If you look around, you will see many people using their ****************. They were
first introduced in 1947. AT&T and Bell Labs came up with the idea for certain radio
frequency. In 1973 the first call was made. In 1977 AT&T started to build a whole market.
It took many years before ****************. reached the high level of service that
exists today. There are now more than 200 million users in the United States and more
than 2 billion users in the world!

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Les exercice piste audio j'ai fait. mais je ne les et pas marquer , se qui est écrit au dessus doit être fait pour demain!

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 juin 2012
tu sais pas faire un devoir d'anglais? ben moi aussi mais si tu croit ke tu vas avoir la moyenne , tu l'aura j'en s8 certain ben bref tu dois y croire ok!!! bonne chance
Posté le 1 juin 2012
The invention of GOOGLE
As a research project at Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry Page created a search
engine that listed results according to the popularity of the pages, after concluding
that the most popular result would often be the most useful. After raising $1 million
from family, friends and other investors, the pair launched the company in 1998.
GOOGLe*has since become the world’s most popular search engine, receiving
more than 200 million queries each day.
Posté le 2 juin 2012
merci! j'ai réussi et j'espère avoir la moyenne!
Posté le 2 juin 2012

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