devoir noté sur nicole Kidman

Publié le 10 juin 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 juin 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

je dois trouver la biographie de nicole kidman(ou elle est nee...)
et tout traduire en anglais
donc si vous pouver maider sa serai simpa

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

je dois trouver la biographie de nicole kidman(ou elle est nee...)
et tout traduire en anglais
je ni arrive pas aider moi sil vous plait

22 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 10 juin 2010

Commences à faire tes phrases en anglais et on t'aidera pour la traduction =)

Bon travail et a+
Posté le 10 juin 2010
J'ai fait une erreur

Commences à faire tes phrases en FRANCAIS et on t'aidera pour la traduction =)

Posté le 10 juin 2010
inspire toi sur la biographie de Wikipédia (français ou anglais)
Posté le 10 juin 2010
Bonjour, voila j'ai trouvé un site interresant . Ne pREND SURTOUT PAS TOUT mais selectionne ce qui est important :

en esperant t'avoir aidé.
Posté le 10 juin 2010
Voici la biographie en anglais de Nicole Kidman :

MAIS je te conseille vivement de faire comme Lomp à dit : de commencer par faire TES phrases en français puis d'essayer de les traduires (là on pourra t'aider) =)
Posté le 10 juin 2010
Oui fais ton texte, je le corrigerai avec plaisir ! ;)
Posté le 10 juin 2010
D'accord avec les gens :)
Attends, je vais cherchée une bonne biographie en Anglais, sur internet ;)
PS; Myrriiamm peux tu m'aidez a mon devoir d'anglais, s'il te plaît? Merci! Ou neylla?
Posté le 10 juin 2010
Elegant redhead Nicole Kidman, known as one of Hollywood's top Australian imports, was actually born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Australian parents Anthony (a biochemist and clinical psychologist) and Janelle (a nursing instructor) Kidman. The family moved almost immediately to Washington, DC, where Nicole's father pursued his research on breast cancer, and then, three years later, made the pilgrimage to her parents' native Sydney. Young Nicole's first love was ballet, but she eventually took up mime and drama as well (her first stage role was a bleating sheep in an elementary school Christmas pageant). In her adolescent years, acting edged out the other arts and became a kind of refuge -- as her classmates sought out fun in the sun, the fair-skinned Kidman retreated to dark rehearsal halls to practice her craft. She worked regularly at the Philip Street Theater, where she once received a personal letter of praise and encouragement from audience member Jane Campion (then a film student). Kidman eventually dropped out of high school to pursue acting full-time. She broke into movies at age 16, landing a role in the Australian holiday favorite Bush Christmas (1983). That appearance touched off a flurry of film and TV offers, including a lead in BMX Bandits (1983) and a turn as a schoolgirl-turned-protester in the miniseries "Vietnam" (1987) (for which she won her first Australian Film Institute Award). With the help of an American agent, she eventually made her US debut opposite Sam Neill in the at-sea thriller Dead Calm (1989).

Kidman's next casting coup scored her more than exposure. While starring as Tom Cruise's doctor/love interest in the racetrack romance Days of Thunder (1990), she won over the Hollywood hunk hook, line, and sinker. After a whirlwind courtship (and decent box office returns), the couple wed on December 24, 1990. Determined not to let her new marital status overshadow her fledgling career, the actress pressed on. She appeared as a catty high school senior in the Australian film Flirting (1991), then as Dustin Hoffman's moll in the gangster flick Billy Bathgate (1991). She reunited with Cruise for Far and Away (1992), the story of young Irish lovers who flee to America in the late 1800s, and starred opposite Michael Keaton in the tear-tugger My Life (1993/I). Despite her steady employment, critics and moviegoers still hadn't quite warmed to Kidman as a leading lady. She tried to spice up her image by seducing Val Kilmer in Batman Forever (1995), but achieved her real breakthrough with Gus Van Sant's To Die For (1995). As a fame-crazed housewife determined to eliminate any obstacle in her path, Kidman proved that she had an impressive range and deadly comic timing. She took home a Golden Globe and several critics' awards for the performance. In 1996, Kidman stepped into a corset to work with her countrywoman and onetime admirer, Jane Campion, on the adaptation of Henry James's The Portrait of a Lady (1996). A few months later, she tore across the screen as a nuclear weapons expert in The Peacemaker (1997), adding "action star" to her professional repertoire.

She and Cruise then disappeared into a notoriously long, secretive shoot for Stanley Kubrick's sexual thriller Eyes Wide Shut (1999). The couple's on-screen shenanigans prompted an increase in public speculation about their sex life (rumors had long been circulating that their marriage was a cover-up for Cruise's homosexuality); tired of denying tabloid attacks, they successfully sued The Star for a story alleging that they needed a sex therapist to coach them through love scenes. Family life has always been a priority for Kidman. Born to social activists (mom was a feminist; dad, a labor advocate), Nicole and her little sister, Antonia Kidman, discussed current events around the dinner table and participated in their parents' campaigns by passing out pamphlets on street corners. When her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, 17-year-old Nicole stopped working and took a massage course so that she could provide physical therapy (her mom eventually beat the cancer). She and Cruise adopted two children: Isabella Jane (born in 1993) and Connor Antony (born 1995). Despite their rock-solid image, the couple announced in early 2001 that they were separating due to career conflicts. Her marriage to Cruise ended mid-summer of 2001.
Posté le 10 juin 2010
Je sais c'est long, je vais essayé de trouver plus court, mais combien de pages ou lignes, dois tu faire, environs?
Posté le 10 juin 2010
Connais tu beaucoup de chose sur Nicole Kidman? Sinon, comme on proposer les gens, je veux bien te cherché une biographie complète et courte en français, ensuite tu traduieras avec notre aide :) Attends, je cherches! ce genre de travail me plaît lol
Posté le 10 juin 2010, en français. mais a mon avis il faut encore plus court? Deux secondes.

Tu peux même prendre cette fiche d'identité : et d'en faire des phrases, avec tes propres mots.
Posté le 10 juin 2010
J'ai trouvé un super truc!

> Nicole Mary Kidman was born on June 20th 1967 to Antony and Janelle Kidman, in Hawaii, US. Nicole's parents were temporarily living in Hawaii for work-related reasons, but soon after she was born they moved to Washington DC. 3 years later Antonia Kidman was born, and the family moved back to a suburb called Longueville, in the Kidmans native Sydney.
Posté le 10 juin 2010
Ainsi que
En espérant t'avoir aidé! + évidémment, wikipedia
Posté le 10 juin 2010
Even now after her countless movies and continuous spot light with the media Nicole Kidman’s lively attitude towards life is still forever present. The best example of this was when in 1995 in the Entertainment Weekly she stated “We don’t feel comfortable discussing what we do in bed at midnight—even though it is pretty damn good.” when she was confronted about Tom and her self’s love life.

At the young age of seventeen, the Australian public voted her the Best Actress of the year, and she received several other awards for her critically acclaimed performance, which brought her into the international stage, captivating film-makers from around the world. Batman Forever, though not her best performance, still probably stands out as her first ‘mega-movie’ and was only a stepping stone for the many more movies that followed. Nicole has two children, Conor and Isabella whose father is Tom Cruise. She is no longer with Tom Cruise, and has recently been in the news for her relationship with troubled country singer Keith Urban.
Posté le 10 juin 2010
Posté le 10 juin 2010
je le fait en francais ou en anglais car en anglais ji arrive pas trop
Posté le 10 juin 2010
il me faut minimome 15 ligne
Posté le 10 juin 2010
Prend ce que je t'ai dit . Et SELECTIONNE NE prend pas tout
Et un conseil NE TRADUIT JAMAIS MOT pour MOt lorsque tu traduit le Francais en anglais.
Posté le 11 juin 2010

au risque de passer pour l'enquiquineuse de service...

C'est un travail de recherche: en quoi as-tu besoin d'aide???
tu vas sur google, tu tapes "Nicole Kidman biographie", tu lances la recherche. Tu lis ce que tu trouves.

Une fois que tu as trouvé les éléments, que tu en as fait un texte, alors ok pour aider à la traduction.

Mais il faut travailler un peu de ton coté et pas attendre que de bonnes âmes te mâchent le travail!

Maintenant que Divinely t'a donné tout plein de site à consulter, à toi de t'y mettre un peu.
Attention, je rappelle que le copié-collé directement d'un site est du plagiat, légalement interdit!
De plus, ton prof le remarquerait en 2 lignes, zéro assuré et appréciation du bulletin catastrophique...
Posté le 11 juin 2010
tu tapes sur google biographie de nicole kidman ensuite tu vas dans un traducteur anglais tu fais copier collé et le tour est joué
Posté le 11 juin 2010
Tu as deux solutions : soit tu trouves les phrases directement sur un site en anglais, ou bien tu fais des recherches sur elle sur un site français, que tu traduiras ! ;)
Posté le 18 juin 2010
alors vas sur et ya aussi wikipédia
bon voilà gspèr ke ca va t'aider

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