Exercice d'anglais

Publié le 26 mai 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 mai 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Exercice 1 :
you have just joined a club in your area and you think your English friend Max would enjoy going there with you .
Write an email to Max.In your email,you should :
-Explain which club you have joined
-Suggest Max should visit the club
-Say what you could do there together.

Write 35-45 words on your answer sheet.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Bonjour , j'ai passer plus de 3 heure sur ce sujet , mon frère ma dit qu'il faut demander quand tu ne sait pas . Ma prof va la notée et je suis désésperer j'ai besoin d'aides :il me faut la correction Merci et bonne soirée .

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 mai 2011
Dear Max,

I have just joined a chess club and I think you should join it too. You can play the chess with many good players. As you may know, I have been playing the chess since I was 8 and I do like it! The club is very affordable : only Euros 20 for the year. we could play the chess together and could win many challenges!
Call me on my cell phone, if want to talk about it
Take care

Posté le 26 mai 2011
C'est vraiment pas mal miren75 Merci !
Posté le 26 mai 2011
Pas mal mais je suis fatiguée je recorrige le texte :
Dear Max,

I have just joined a chess club and I think you should join it too. You can play chess with many good players. As you may know, I have been playing chess since I was 8 and I do like it! The club is very affordable : only Euros 20 for the year. we could play chess together and could win many challenges!
Call me on my cell phone, if you want to talk about it
Take care

Posté le 26 mai 2011
Encore un grand merci !! :)

Ils ont besoin d'aide !

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