inventez un superhero en anglais

Publié le 10 avr. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 17 avr. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

inventez un superhero avec les descriptions physiques , l'histoire ,faiblesses et pouvoirs , les ennemies . Il me faut le nom du superhero aussi . Mon professeur nous a donnez un eemple avec superman :
his name is Superman .firstly , he was sent to earth when he was a baby. he comes from krypton. as a consequence,he can't stay near kriptonite. but , he is able to fly and he has the ability to run fast . he is also strong and he manages to see through walls . he is capable of lifting anything . he always wears a blue costume / outfit and a red cape However , he never wears a mask .
he has got a lot of ennemies but his fierce ennemy is lex luthor .superman is stronger than lex luthor .
nevertheless , lex luthor is as intelligent as superman but he is less patient

si vous pouviez me faire des exemples en anglais ce serait bien car je suis pas tres bonne en anglais

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

j'ai rien fait encore :(( j'ai besoin de votre aide svp .il me le faut aujourd'hui . j'ai pas d'idée pour faire ceci

8 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 10 avr. 2011
Essaye de chercher sur internet des idées, comme par exemple sous wikipedia anglais (ou en français au début) :

bon courage!
Posté le 10 avr. 2011
salut tien j'ai trouver sa pour toi ton personnage sera spider-man anglais : his name is Spider-man . he comes from Forest Hills, New York, he is able agility, reflex, precognition, strength, healing factor, endurance, Always wears a red and blue costume.

j'èspére vraiment tavoir aidez.
Posté le 10 avr. 2011
euu je crois pa trop car c'est deja un hero connu :)) mais je te remerci qu'en meme.
Posté le 10 avr. 2011
je te remerci :))
Posté le 11 avr. 2011

This is a man with wonder powers. He comes from another galaxy and came to this world to protect humans from aliens. He was born on a planet, wonderus. The planet is full of diamonds. At 5 years, wonderman was able to lift a star.
Wonderman has many powers that he only uses when he feels the danger. If a child or a woman is threatened by an alien, wonderman comes and fights against the alien to save the child or the woman. His aim is to protect the earth that is endangered. The aliens want to invade the earth to be part of their territory. Wonderman's goal is peace in the universe.
Wonderman wears a nice golden costume. He has a cap with diamonds that makes him fy eaily. His hair are full of litte diamonds. He is a stud. His beauty cannot be described because no human can be as beautiful as him.
Of course wonderman has many ennemies such as the aliens,darkvador, etc. But he is also loved on earth because humans know that he wants to save and protect them.
Wonderman has a weakness. He broke his foot when he was 6 by playing football with a star. So if an ennemy hits this area, he loses a part of his power and needs to drink a magical potion to recover his strengths and powers.

Voilà un example que j'ai fait, tu peux te baser dessus si tu veux
Posté le 11 avr. 2011


This is a man with wonder powers. He comes from another galaxy and came to this world to protect humans from aliens. He was born on a planet, wonderus. The planet is full of diamonds. At 5 years, wonderman was able to lift a star.
Wonderman has many powers that he only uses them when he feels the danger. If a child or a woman is threatened by an alien, wonderman comes and fights against the alien to save the child or the woman. His aim is to protect the earth that is endangered. The aliens want to invade the earth to be part of their territory. Wonderman's goal is peace in the universe.
Wonderman wears a nice golden costume. He has a cap with diamonds that makes him fly eaily. His hair is full of litte diamonds. He is a stud. His beauty cannot be described because no human can be as beautiful as him.
Of course wonderman has many ennemies such as the aliens,darkvador, etc. But he is also loved on earth because humans know that he wants to save and protect them.
Wonderman has a weakness. He broke his foot when he was 6 by playing football with a star. So if an ennemy hits this area, he loses a part of his power and needs to drink a magical potion to recover his strengths and powers.

Voilà un example que j'ai fait, tu peux te baser dessus si tu veux

Posté le 11 avr. 2011
Moi j'avais fait Bob l'éponge l'année dernière ^^ si ça peut t'aider j'en suis ravie XD
Posté le 11 avr. 2011
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