pose les questions qui correspondent au réponse

Publié le 5 avr. 2014 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 avr. 2014 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir


1.Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.

2. C .Columbus discovered America.

3.He saw her two weeks ago.

4.they couldn't use their mother's car.

5.when he was 7,he used to go to  bed  at 8:30.

6.She started her driving lesson an hour ago.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

j'ai fais la première et la deuxième mais je n'arrive pas pour le reste.

1. Who wrote Hamlet?

2. Who discovered America?





3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 avr. 2014

enfait je crois que j'ai trouver:

3. when did he  see her?

4.could they use her mother car?

5.at what time he go to bed when he was 7 ?

6.when she started her driving lesson ?

Posté le 5 avr. 2014

3 c'est their mother's car*

6 when did she start her 

Posté le 5 avr. 2014

When did he see her ? 

Which car they could not use ? 

At which time  did he used to go to bed when he was 7 ? 

When did she start her driving lesson

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