présent simple

Publié le 6 janv. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 janv. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Pouvez-vous s'il-vous-plait me corriger ce devoir, la 2éme phrase c'est celle que j'ai mise au présent
Je remercie tous les membres qu'ils veulent m'aider

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1. Rosa was on her way home work and she was tired.
1. Rosa is on her way home from work and she is tired
2. On the bus, she was seated in the "Negro" section, behind the "White" section.
2. On the bus, she sits in the "Negro" section, behind the "White" section.
3. When more white passengers got on, the driver turned around as usual and said.
3. When more white passengers og up on, the driver tsurn around and says
4. Three blacks go up at once.
4. Three blacks get up at once
5. Rosa remained seated.
5. Rosa remains seated
6. Rosa did not get up.
6. Rosa does not get up
7. She acted as if she hadn't heard him at all.
7. She acts as if she hears heard him at all.
8. He stopped the bus, got off and called the police.
8. He stops the bus, comes down off and call the police.
9. A few minutes later, a policeman boarded the bus.
9. A few minutes later, a policeman gets on the bus.
10. The driver pointed out Rosa.
10. The driver indicates out Rosa
11. The officier just said: "You're under arrest".
11. The officier just syas: "You're under arrest"

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 6 janv. 2011

3. When more white passengers got on, the driver turned around as usual and said.
3. When more white passengers og (???) up on, the driver tsurn around as usaul and says

. He stopped the bus, got off and called the police.
8. He stops the bus, comes(??) down off and call the police.

9. A few minutes later, a policeman boarded the bus.
9. A few minutes later, a policeman BOARDs the bus.

10. The driver pointed out Rosa.
10. The driver POINTs out Rosa

11. The officier just said: "You're under arrest".
11. The officier just SAYS: "You're under arrest"

Voilà, ou sinon, le reste me semble juste.
Posté le 8 janv. 2011
1) il y a un "from" dans une phrase et pas dans l'autre ?
3) "og" ? "tsurn"?
4) "go" ? (c'était pas "got"?)
7) "hears heard" ?
8) "got" en "comes down" ?
9) "boarded" en "gets on" ?
10) "pointed" en "indicates" ?
11) "syas" ?

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