Rédaction Urgente!! Svp aidez moi

Publié le 25 nov. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 nov. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

La prof nous a demandé de faire un exposé en anglais sur un patient qui va chez le docteur et qui lui parle de son problème d'obésité. Avec Must et Mustn't

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai déjà commencé mais je voudrais rajouté 2/3 phrases pour enrichir ma rédaction et dites moi si il y a des fautes Merci!
Doctor: Hello how are you?
Patient: I am fat and I want to lose weight.
Doctor: Oh... do you play sports?
Patient: No, this is a long time since I did not.
Doctor: And your diet is healthy? Eat your fruits and vegetables?
Patient: No, I only eat chips and hamburgers all day long.
Doctor: "Stop on this diet! It is dangerous to your health! You must eat fruits and vegetables with dairy!
And you mustn't abuse, fat is occasional. You need to do a lot of sports especially walking.
Patient: Okay but if I feel peckish in the day what do I do?
Doctor: Drink water or taking pills.
Patient: Thank you doctor I'd pay more attention to my health now.
Doctor: You're holding your order!
Patient: Thanks Goodbye!

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 25 nov. 2010
Bonjour Valouxp,

Voici les phrases en plus avec les corrections:

"Doctor: Hello how are you?
Patient: I fell like a fat person, I want to lose weight.
Doctor: Oh... do you do any sports?
Patient: No, it has been a long time since I have done any.
Doctor: Do you have a healthy diet? Do you eat fruits and vegetables?
Patient: No, I only eat chips, hamburgers and drink cola all day long.
Doctor: You must stop continuing to eat like that! It is dangerous for your health! You must eat fruits and vegetables with some dairy products like milk, cheese etc...! You mustn't abuse yourself, fat is reversible. You need to do a lot of sports, especially walking.
Patient: Yes doctor, I will try to stop eating like a pig! But if I feel like nibbling during the day, what do I do?
Doctor: NO! Don't TRY to stop eating like a pig, just DO it, no TRYING, you must do it! Drink water or take some pills if you feel like nibbling during the day.
Patient: Thank you doctor I will pay more attention to my health from now on, I promise my self!
Doctor: Good job!
Patient: Thank you so very much doctor, goodbye!
Doctor: Goodbye!"


Benjamin CNED 3ème
Posté le 25 nov. 2010
Voili voilou =)
Posté le 25 nov. 2010
Merci bcp bcp!!! :) Tu m'as beaucoup aidé !!Lol Thanks!!xD

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