Pollution !!

Publié le 13 nov. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 19 nov. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

voilà je dois faire un résumé de ce texte à l'oral et à l'écrit, pour m'aider je dois répondre aux questions suivantes :

What is it about ? ( Ca parle de quoi? )
Where does it take place ? ( Où la scène se situe-t-elle ? )
When is the scene set ? ( Quand ?)
Who are the characters ? ( Quelles sont les personnages ? )
Why does it happen ? (Pourquoi ça s'est pasé ?)
How does it happen ? (Comment ça s'est passé ? )

The Black Mountain Copper1 Mining Company, located near a small town in Arizona, is
polluting the river. The narrator is a biology teacher. She has been invited to a special meeting
of the women’s club.

“My students and I looked at the river water under microscopes, and the usual
things that live in a river aren’t there. Then we tested the pH of the river and found
out it’s very acidic. The EPA2 has tested it too, and they agree. But your trees knew
all this way before we did. Watering them from the river is just like acid rain falling
on them, if you’ve heard of that. The acid-rain problem here in the West comes
mostly from mine smelters3. It’s the same acid, one way or the other. Sulfuric acid.”
I feared I was losing my grasp4 of the subject, but they were still listening.
“I don’t think I can tell you anything helpful. But if you have questions I’ll try to
answer them.” I sat down.
A thin woman in a red dress stood up and demanded, “You mean the fish and
stuff5 is all killed?”
“Not the fish,” I said. “They’re still alive, but the smaller things that live in the
water…” I considered how to phrase this, and started again. “Usually there’s a whole
world of microscopic things living in a river, and in the dirt, and the air. If you were
in an airplane and flew over a city and looked down and saw nothing was moving,
you’d know something was up. That’s how you can tell if a river is healthy or not.
You can’t see them, but they’re supposed to be there.” […]
The woman in the red dress was still standing. “What we want to know is, is the
river poisoned for good?” Every person in the room was looking at me.
“Well, no,” I said. “The river could recover. It doesn’t start here, it starts upon the
Apache6 reservation, in the mountains where the snow melts. As long as that’s pure, the water coming down here will be okay.”

“So if you could stop Black Mountain from running the acid through the tailings7, then after a while the junk would get washed out?” inquired Mrs.Galvez. “Like flushing the john?” “Exactly like that,” I said.

Fifty women started talking at once. You’d think I’d commuted a death sentence. After a minute Dona Althea gave a short speech in Spanish, the gist of which was that I’d told them what they needed to know, and now they had to figure out how to get the company to stop polluting the river and go to hell.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici mon résumé, je voudrais savoir si il y a des erreurs ?

In Arizona, a State of the American West, a copper mine pollutes the river.
A professor of biology explains the phenomenon at a meeting of a club of about fifty woman.
The pH (potential hydrogen) of water is very acid. Toilets is not healthy. The microscopics things which usually lives there are not there any more, because water is polluted by the sulfuric acid from mine smelters. But the river could be saved if one could prevent the water which comes from the Black Mounstain to cross the zone of waste after one moment the junk would be washed out and disappears.

Merci beaucoup de votre aide .

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 13 nov. 2010
pourquoi parle tu de toilette (toilets is not healthy) il n'est pas de question de toilette dans c texte non?
ce n'est pas "if one could prevent the water(...)" mais if WE could pour, si nous pouvions ,ou if SOMEONE could pour, si quelqu'un pouvait, au choix selon ce que tu veux dire.
Posté le 13 nov. 2010
Bonjour si tu veux avoir une aide plus efficace place ton devoir dans la bonne matière l'anglais dans l'anglais et pas dans les mathématiques

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