Exercices Anglais a rendre demain.

Publié le 19 mars 2020 il y a 4A par mtgnjade - Fin › 21 mars 2020 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir


1.     Complète les phrases avec les bons prénoms:


a.     King……………..and Quenn…………….. were Arthur’s parents.


b.     ………………………took Arthur when he was a baby.


c.      Arthur thought that ……………………..was his father and that …………………was his brother.




2.     Entoure la bonne fin de phrase.




a.     When King Uther died, England had / didn’t have a new king.


b.     Arthur took out Excalibur from the stone after a long time / easily.


c.      Arthur took out Excalibur from the stone in London / in Camelot.


d.     When Arthur became king, the south of England was at peace / at war.





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