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Publié le 5 mai 2020 il y a 4A par alexmax - Fin › 8 mai 2020 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir

bonjour je souhaiterais que l'on me corrige svp pour cela il faut etre bon en anglais merci

je dois rediger un petit texte en anglais qui presente et critique un film que j'ai vu recemment en me basant sur hunger games je vais donc vous lire extrait hunger games et ensuite mon texte il s'agit de naruto que j'ai vu il y a pas longtemps merci

the hunger games

sci-fi adventure 2012

in the future the usa is a new country called panem.Every year the capitol of panem chooses 12 boys and 12 girls to go on a tv show called the hunger games.In this tv show the teenagers have to fight until there is only on person left.Katniss goes on the show and she has to run fast and fight to save her life.

i love the actors in this film Jennifer  josh are fantastic as katniss my favourite character is katniss because she is very good at running and fighting

moi j'ai choisi naruto (qu'en pensez vous)

Adventure 1999

Naruto is a child who has no parents.His greatest dream is to becaume the strongest ninja in the village.To realize his dream he has to go to the shool of nin jas.What i didn't like was that Naruto cares more about girls than his training to because a ninja master.

Est ce assez??qu'en pensez vous?merci vraiment de votre aide 

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 6 mai 2020

Alors, j'ai lu tes textes qui sont sympas dans l'ensemble et je t'ai corriger le premier texte : 

in the futur of america a country raised, this country is called "Panem".Every year the capitol of panem chooses 12 boys and 12 girls to participate to a tv show called the hunger games.This tv stage somes teenagers who have to fight until there is only one person left.Katniss was select to participate to the show and she has to run fast and fight to save her life.

i love the actors in this film Jennifer and josh and Katniss are fantastic, katniss is my favourite character because she is very good at running and fighting

Voilà pour le exte sur hunger games ^^
Et pour le text sur Naruto il est un peu court mais tout dépend de ton prof.

Naruto is a child who has no parents.His greatest dream is to became the strongest ninja in the village.To realize his dream he has to go to shool of nin jas.What i didn't like was that Naruto cares more about girls than his training to became a ninja master.

Posté le 8 mai 2020

In the future, the usa is a new country called panem. Every year the capital of panem chooses 12 boys and 12 girls to go on a tv show called the hunger games. In this Tv show where these teenagers have to fight until one person left. Katniss goes on this show and she has to run fast and fight to save herself .

I love the actors in this movie, Jennifer and Josh are as fantastic as Katniss. My favourite character is Katniss because she is very fast and and good at fighting.

Je te conseil de choisir celui ci(si c'est noté). Mais si c'est pour le plaisir a toi de choisir.

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