what is he like?

Publié le 7 nov. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 nov. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

choose and describe a member of your family(father, mother, sister) or your friend. The discribe want a concertation

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

today, i want describe my mother because she is very beautiful. My mother has the skyn brown , the eyes of color is black. She has a long hair black . she is not big .

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 nov. 2010
Today,I want to describe my mother because she is very beautiful.My mother has a brown skin,her eyes are black.She has long ,curly,dark hair.She as a little nose and pink lips. She is not big,she is slim.She is very pretty
Posté le 7 nov. 2010
Hey =D
Today, I want to describe my mother because she's a very beautiful woman. She has brown skin and her eyes are dark. She has long black hair. She's tall/small and she's thin/heavy.

Peut-être que tu dois ajouter ce qu'elle aime porter comme vêtements, sa personnalité ...
Posté le 7 nov. 2010
Today, I want to describe my mother because she is very beautiful woman,she has brown skin and she has got long dark hair.
She is slim and she is small/tall.
En espérant que sa t'aide.

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