write a biographie

Publié le 30 avr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 mai 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

invent a character and imagine his ou her life.write from his ou her birth to hi ou her death give a many detail as possible
(savoir evoquer des faits au passe utiliser le superlatif)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Virginie is a singer ,she was born in 1958 in washington dc ,usa
she was 1 husbend and 3 children.
in 1968 she began her profesional carrer.
in 1972 she had her first concert in new york.
in 1982 she was the championne from de concours singing .
at the age of 53 she was retired from singing and she dad at the age of 62 .

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 avr. 2010
Si tu cherches a créér des phrases sur Virginie avec le superlatif ou le comparatif tiens ce lien est vraiment intéressant je te conseille d'y accéder !

Bonne chance pr la suite ;))
Posté le 2 mai 2010
Coucou, alors j'ai repéré quelques fautes :
Virginie was a singer ,she was born in 1958 in washington dc ,usa
she had a husband and got 3 children who's called Mary, John and Lucy.
in 1968 she began her profesional carrer she was only ten years old.
in 1972 she had her first concert in new york it was a success, there were so many people.
in 1982 she was the champion from de concours singing .
at the age of 53 she was retired from singing and she died because she was very sick at the age of 62 .

Voilà, tu peux toujours rajouter des détails.
Posté le 2 mai 2010
Quelques corrections et ajouts aux bonnes idées de Montia:
she had a husband and got 3 children:the ELDEST Mary,John and Lucy, the YOUNGEST.
in 1982 she was the BEST singer in a competition and won one million dollars.
at the age of 53 she retired and she died because she was very sick at the age of 62 .

Quelques phrases à glisser avec des superlatifs:
She was the youngest professional singer in the world.

Bonne continuation

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