expose how i meet your mother

Publié le 18 avr. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 25 avr. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Je doit faire un expose pour mon bac d'anglais sur how i meet your mother apres je devrai faire un powerpoint et le presenter a l'oral. Introduction personnage saison

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je ne sait pas conment paske ma prof ne veut pas des traductions tous se que jai deja fait ne lui suffit pas et j'en i trois a faire sur l'emission qur eminem et sur sidney.. je galere trop.

7 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 avr. 2012
Tu peux expliquer la psychologie des personnages, que représentent-ils ds la société New-Yorkaise.
D'après moi, Ted est un jeune ambitieux qui cherche sa place dans une ville dense, jeune et malheureusement superficielle, et justement il n'y arrive pas car son caractère ne colle pas avec. Il veut un véritable sens à sa vie, etc.
Barney est un véritable NYorkais, en apparence il est très bien, tout lui sourit mais il lui manque un but, il se voile la face, il n'a pas le courage de Ted, celui de se remettre en question et de chercher.
tu peux faire ça pour les autres persos. et décrire la ville de NY, son symbole, etc.
Tu mets tt ça en image sur Powerpoint. Sur power point, ne mets que les gdes phases de ton explication, très peu de texte, de cette façon tu seras moins tenté de lire.
Posté le 18 avr. 2012
Le truc c'est que je sais quoi dire. mais quand je fai mon expose en anglais sa veut rien dire
Posté le 18 avr. 2012
Le tout c'est de faire des phrases super simples, sujet+verbe+complément.
Pour le vocab. utilise un bon dico papier, et ce dico en ligne : wordreference.
Ensuite, fais relire tn travail par qqn ayant un meilleur niveau ou sur ce site.
Posté le 18 avr. 2012
Je peu mettre le sujet ce soir pour qu'on me relise!
Posté le 18 avr. 2012

How I Met Your Mother is a Television series.
Broadcast from September 19, 2005 on CBS
broadcast on Canal + and NT1 since September 1, 2008
She has 7 seasons but the 8th and planned for 2012
The main characters are Ted Mosby, Barney Stinson, Marshall Eriksen,Lily Aldrin, Robin Scherbatsky.
In this series Ted tells his 2 kids how he met their mother.
Ted Mosby is a young architect living in New York.
Barney Stinson is a friend of Ted. That's a charmer who collects the stories of a night and only wear costumes. He works in the GNB
Marshall Eriksen is Ted's best friend and his roommate at the beginning of the series, where he finished his law studies. Later he worked with Barney at GNB
Lily Aldrin is the bride of Marshall, they get married in season 2. They have been dating for the university. Lily is a teacher in a kindergarten class.
Robin Scherbatsky is a Canadian who came to New York early in the series. She is a journalist. She works on a news channel
This is a series that looks like fiends.
This series has 5 friends throughout their lives.
The five friends is always in "Mac Laren," which is a bar, to share their day.
I chose this series because I like the look and I like the actors.
Pouvez vous me dire si c'est bon. Svp

Posté le 19 avr. 2012
How I met your mother is an American sitcom broadcast on the American channel CBS, since 2005 (September, 19).And since 2007 on the French channels: Canal+ and NT1.
The sitcom is made of 7 seasons, an 8th season is announced for 2012.

The main character is Ted, the other characters are his friends: Barney Stinson, Marshall Eriksen, Lily Aldrin and Robin Scherbatsky.
The first episode always begin by a scene in the future, where Ted explains to his two kids how he met their mother.
Ted is a young architect who lives in New York. He tries to find his soulmate.
Barney Stinson is a good friend of Ted. Barney only wears a suit. He works at GNB(explique ce que c'est). And, he is a womanizer, he doesn't want to have serious relationships, he prefers one-night stories.
Marshall Eriksen is Ted's best friend, they met each other when they were students and were roomates until he decided to move in in another flat with his grilfriend. He studied law and now work in the same company as Barney.
Lily Aldrin is Marshall'grilfriend, they are now engaged. They have been dating since university. She is a Kindergarten teacher.
Robin Scherbatsky is Canadian, she came to New York to work. She is a journalist, she works on a news channel.She dated Ted and Barney.

This sictom is about friendship, through Ted's stories,flashbacks, we learn how his met his friends, how was his life before meeting the mother of his two children.
The Mac Laren bar is their main meeting place where the five friends tell to each other about their day, past and new experiences.

I chose this sitcom because I like the idea, the concept of flasbacks and the theme of friendship and I like the characters and actors. (je pense que tu devrais développer ça)
Posté le 19 avr. 2012
move in in ==> c correct, ne pense pas qu'il y a un "in" en trop

J'ai oublié le "s" : Lily Aldrin is Marshall's girlfriend

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