Résumé de texte

Publié le 1 avr. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 avr. 2012 dans 12A

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Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

This article was published in Public Guardian, in 2010, by Sally Wilson, and underlines the significant problem for both business and society which is the high level of sick leaves. There are a gap between the sectors, indeed there are more absences in the public sector than the private sector and the reason is the workload. Hovewer, currently the economic crisis with the strain producted by its, decrease the discrepancies between the sectors. In fact, the downsizing have led to a heavy atmosphere with distrust by employees. There are efficient solutions like to introduce occupational health in the workplace. To conclude, the author deals with consequences to make redundancies : the employers are more present at work than formerly for fear of being fired. Nonetheless, this may be harmfull for their health.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 avr. 2012
This article was published in the newspaper Public Guardian, in 2010, written by Sally Wilson. It underlines a significant problem for business and society which is the high level of sick leaves. There are a gap between the public and the private sector indeed there are more absences in the public sector than in the private one, the reason of this is the workload.
Hovewer, the current economic crisis and the strain producted by it reduce the differences between these sectors. In fact, the downsizing have led to a heavy atmosphere with distrust by employees. Efficient solutions exist such as introduce occupational health in the workplace. To conclude, the author deals with consequences of redundancies: the employers are more present at work than formerly for fear of being fired. Nonetheless, this may be harmfull for their health.

Je n'ai pas compris la dernière partie de la phrase : " In fact, the downsizing have led to a heavy atmosphere with distrust by employees " Il faudrait préciser en quoi ils n'ont plus confiance.
Il y a aussi la phrase avec "occupational health", qu'as-tu voulu dire ?
Posté le 1 avr. 2012
Merci beaucoup de ton aide!
Alors j'ai voulu dire : en effet, les diminutions d'effectif ont mené à un atmosphère pesant accompagné d'une méfiance de la part des employés (d'être licencié, to be fire).
Il existe des solutions efficaces tel qu'introduire la médecine du travail (dans le monde du travail).
Posté le 1 avr. 2012
ah, ok pcq en anglais il faut tjs apporter des précisions.

In fact, downsizings have led to a heavy atmosphere with a distrust of employees who are afraid of losing their jobs.

Efficient solutions exist such as the introduction of the industrial medicine within firms.

Alors j'ai apporté qqles changements, devant "downsizings" pas d'article ! et reprends mes 2 phrases corrigées !
Posté le 1 avr. 2012
...sickness papers.There IS a gap...People are absent more often in the public sector because of...
....the combination of the present economic crisis and the stress which is generated reduce the discrepencies between the two sectors.In fact, the ...HAS led to....distrust OF the employees. Efficient solutions exist such as introducING ....at work....consequences of DISMISSALS:the employees.....fired away.
Nevertheless, this could be...

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