Anglais petit exposé

Publié le 22 avr. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 25 avr. 2017 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous ! ;) J'aurais besoins d'aide afin de me corriger un exposé en anglais. Elle est terminée, mais j'aimerais avoir votre avis et qu'on me corrige les fautes de langue. L'objectif était de décrire une université dans le monde. Pour cela, j'ai choisi d'étudier l'université de Melbourne, en Australie. Ce n'est pas très long, j'espère juste ne pas avoir fait trop de fautes de langues, et que je ne me sois pas trompé dans les différentes informations, illustrée par des flèches. Je vous remercie d'avance.


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Exposé anglais

The university of Melbourne, Australia:

--> What is Melbourne university?

The university of Melbourne is an Australian university. It is situated in the south of Australia, precisely the south-east. It is a public-spirited institution that makes distinctive contributions to society in research, learning and teaching and engagement.

--> Universities classment?

In the international rankings of world universities placing Melbourne university it as the number 1 in Australia and number 33 in the world


--> Into about the degrees?

There exist differents types of diplomas like undergraduate study (design, music, sciences…), but also pathway options, concurrent diploma and majors (to focus your undergraduate degree). But there are different courses type: research higher degrees, masters and doctors by coursework and diplomas or certificates like faculty of veterinary and agricultural sciences or graduate schools of humanities and social sciences.

--> Tuition fees?

The tuition fees are subject-based fees, which means you'll pay per the subjects you are studying, not your course. In fact, the tuitions fees depend about the courses of students. For example, humanities, behavioural science, social studies, education… $6,256 per standard year, $782 per standard subject. It’s the student contribution.

--> Expenditures?

But there are not just the tuition fees. Students must live in good conditions and they must pay weekly cost, other than rent, like phone ($15-$20), food and grocery ($80-$150), public transport ($40) … So, we can say that it’s very expensive for all students because they pay different items and tuition fees to study. The accumulation of different items is very expensive for all students.

--> Housing/accommodation

Rental property prices vary from suburb to suburb. There exists different type of accommodation like student apartment, hostel, residential colleges (near or on campus), homestay… I take the example of Student Accommodation Melbourne on “” and the price varies between $200 and $400 per week.

--> Entertainment?

During their free time the students can leave to discover the city, there are always bars, restaurants, cafes, gardens to discover. They can also make markets, follow events, festivals and go to concerts. But many students work during their spare time.


Merci beaucoup par avance.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 24 avr. 2017

Bonjour, le premier paragraph est parfait par contre,

pour : universities ranking ?

- Melbourne university is ranked as the number 1 best in Australia and it came 33rd in the university international rankings of the best universities in the world.


ne pas mettre "into" ( Il faut juste mettre ? about the degrees 

- La phrase est incorrecte voici une meilleur phrase :

There are different types of diplomas that exist like the undergraduate study of (music,design...), but there are also other options ( que veux-tu dire par : concurrent diploma and majors ) to focus your undergraduate degree. There are different types of courses such as : higher research degrees, masters or PHDs where you can study veterinarian related jobs, agricultural science . (or you can  graduate schools for studying social and human interactions: vous vouliez dire quoi ?)

Tuition fees ?

- Pay per subject and not for the course.


- But there isn't just the tuition fee to pay... and they must pay weekly costs  like for their phone... groceries... The accumulation of these different factors ( different objets ) can end up being very expensive...



- Property rental prices vary from location... Different types of accommodation exist such as... for example Melbourne Student Accommodation...costs in between $200 and $400 per week.



During their free time, students can leave the campus to discover the city like its bars,...

They can also go to the market,...


Sinon c'est très bien. Good luck ! 

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