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Publié le 12 oct. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 15 oct. 2015 dans 8A

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bonjour j'ai effectué un devoirs sur les cultures de syngenta. j'aurais besoin de personne pour qu'on m'aide à corriger mon devoir. celui ci est en anglais toute aide est précieuse. merci bonne journée

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

j'ai effectué le travail, celui ci est fini mais il me faudrait de l'aide pour corriger les fautes. merci

voila mon travail

I’ll talk about the key crops at Syngenta.

Firstly Cereals:

Wheat is the world’s largest crop, planted on some 225 (two hundred twenty five) million hectares. With bred and pasta as staples in Western diets and increasing in popularity elsewhere, it is vital to have a plentiful supply as well as a wide range of top-quality varieties with different taste and milling characteristics. And, as consumption in emerging markets increases due to changing diets, meeting the additional demand means that the average global yield of three tons per hectare must rise. There is no doubt about the potential: growers in some Western European countries already achieve more than three times this figure.

For Syngenta, the goals are:

to expand their offering in Europe
to put in place integrated growing systems for cereals
In April 2010 (two thousand ten), Syngenta announced an agreement with the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center. This public-private partnership will lead to joint research and development – in the area of hybrid wheat and the combination of seeds and crop protection – to accelerate plant yield performance. It will allow Syngenta to take advantage of it’s genetic marker technology to improve wheat productivity in emerging markets.

Secondly I will talk about Corn:

Around 60 (sixty) percent of global corn production is used for animal feed.  In emerging country this demand of meat increases. To supply this request, corn production must also increase. Corn growers also produce for sweeteners, plastics and biofuels in the United State.

Corn is one of the most productive crops. When you plant one seed, we get over 500 (five hundred) kernels at the harvest. Hybridization over many years has allowed enormous productivity gains.

For help the farmer, several things have been established as:

leading herbicide range
crop enhancement in corn
germ plasm diversity
innovation in biotechnology

Thirdly I will talk about Lawns and gardens:

Demand for lawn and garden products is closely linked to consumer spending. Golf courses represent a major source of demand for turf products – the more rounds of golf played, the greater the scope for investment by golf course superintendents. Demand for flowers reflects how much consumers are prepared to invest in their gardens, as well as how much risk retailers are willing to undertake in terms of inventory. Here, efficient logistics are vital to minimize waste and ensure quality.

Fourthly I will talk about Oilseeds and sugar beet:

Vegetable oils made from sunflower and oilseed rape are preferred by consumers because they are relatively high in unsaturated fats. High consumer demand makes these plants attractive for growers, as does their yield stability under adverse growing conditions and benefits to the entire production system, particularly in rotation with cereals.

For oilseeds the objective is to improve the yield and oil content. In recent years, cultivation of sunflower has flourished – these markets now account for 75 (seventy five) percent of global output.

For farmer, the sugar beet has a significant value. She is an industrial crop used in food processing, as well as in biogas and ethanol production.

Fifth, I’ll talk about Rice:

Rice plays a more crucial role in human food consumption than any other major field crop. It provide 60 (sixty) percent of the calorie intake for more than two billion people every day. For example in Asia, where 90 (ninety) percent of the world’s rice is grown, average per capita consumption is more than one kilogram a week.

Yet progress in rice productive still lags behind the advances made in other crops. The goal is to achieve a step change in yield while improving rice quality.

Sixth, I will talk about Soybean:

First cultivated in East Asia more than 1000 (thousand) years ago, soybean is today the world’s primary source of protein and edible oil. It has seen a growth rate that’s unrivalled by any other crop. In the 30 (thirty) years period from 1949 (one thousand nice hundred forty nine) -1979 (one thousand nine hundred seventy nine) alone, global production increased by 700 (seven hundred) %.

Today, more 250 (two hundred and fifty) million tons of soybean are harvested annually, with just three countries – the USA, Brazil, and Argentina – accounting for over 80 (eighty) % of production. And demand is projected to increase even further. As a profitable source of high-quality, low-cost protein, soybean has huge potential to contribute to meeting the nutritional needs of future generation.

I will talk about the Sugar cane:

Sugar cane meets 70 (seventy) percent of global sugar needs and is the most cost-effective feedstock for plant derived ethanol. But traditionally, this crop has attracted little technology investment and yields are well below what they could be. In order to realize this potential, Syngenta has been making significant investments in sugar cane. Today, they are the first company to market integrated solutions that offer improved yield and quality to cane growers and millers.

I will talk about the Vegetable:

Global production of vegetables is valued at 500 (five hundred) billion and continues to grow, driven by consumer demand for fresh produce. Vegetable growers focus on yield, cost and resistance to disease, while retailers demand attractive appearance, consistency of supply and long shelf life.

Vegetable consumption in developed market continues to rise, reflecting increased awareness of the link between health and died. Yep the fastest growth rates are found in emerging markets: while increased meat consumption is often highlighted, growing prosperity brings a desire for better quality and more varied vegetables, facilitated by the expansion of retailer channels.



Finally I will talk about Specialty crops:

Specialty crops at Syngenta represent a collection of more than 40 (forty) diverse crops spanning fruit, potato, and cotton, as well as plantation cultures like coffee and cocoa.

Grown in more than 125 (one hundred twenty five) countries, potato is now the world’s fourth-largest food crop, after rice, wheat, and corn. The potato is a highly resource-efficient crop that produces twice as many calories per litter of water as rice, it’s contribution to food security is increasing rapidly.

After crude oil, coffee is the second largest exported commodity in the world in terms of dollar value. It grows in more than 50 (fifty) countries – all of them close to the equator. Brazil is the world's largest producer, and grows approximately 35 (thirty five) % of the world’s coffee. Other leading producers are Vietnam, Indonesia, and Colombia.

Cotton is an important product. It causes competition between the producers in developed countries and emerging countries. The China and India are the largest producers in the world, while the United States are the largest exporters.



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