Aide pour expression écrite en anglais.

Publié le 21 févr. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 févr. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

If you could change the society we live in, what would you change ?

Besoin d'idée svp merci.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

7 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 févr. 2012
- I wish that all diseases can be cured (je voudrais que toutes les maladies soient soignées)
- That there is no poverty (qu'il n'y ait pas de pauvreté)
- It were easier to find a job (que ce soit plus facile de trouver un emploi)

Voila quelques idées
Posté le 21 févr. 2012
I would like to stop all the arguments about land property, culture, religion, and many other things that people fight amongst each other. According to me every person is created the way he has to be, so there should be no rich/poor, or no differences among people. Also, I would give free health care to all. I think this one component would change the world for the better. If people had free health care, their health would improve, less people would suffer from premature deaths and people's overall mental sanity would improve.
Posté le 21 févr. 2012
I would get rid of poverty all over the Globe and offer better education and good-paying jobs to all
Posté le 21 févr. 2012
I wish there would be no war and people would live in peace.
I would like politicians to be more honest and do more for our society.
Poverty and famine would not exist anymore because everything would have be done to eradicate them. Children would have access to education wherever they would be. I would promote women's education all over the world to help women to be independent from men.

Posté le 21 févr. 2012
merci :)
Posté le 21 févr. 2012
merci :)
Posté le 21 févr. 2012
merci :)

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