Bonjour, j'aimerais savoir si ce que j'ai compris du texte est bon. Merci.

Publié le 31 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

"The Color of Water.
Why do you cry in church ? I asked her one afternoon after service.
Because God makes me happy
Then why cry?
I'm crying because i'm happy. Anything wrong with that?
No, i said, but there was because happy people did not seem to cry like she did. Mommy's tears seemed to come from somewhere else, a place far away, a place inside her that she never let any of us children visit, and even as a boy i felt there was pain behind them. I thought it was because she wanted to be black like everyone else in church, because maybe God liked black people better, and one afternoon on the way home from church i asked her whether God was black or white.
A deep sigh. Oh boy... God's not black. He's not white. He's a spirit.
What's a spirit ?
A spirit's a spirit.
What color is God's spirit?
It doesn't have a color, she said. God is the color of water. Water doesn't have a color.
I could buy that, and as I grew older I still bought it, but my older brother Richie dealt with this in a unique way. As a boy, he believed he was neither black nor white but rather green like the comic book character the Incredible Hulk. He made up games about it and absorbed the character completely into his daily life. I'm Dr Bruce Banner, he'd say as he saw me eating the last of the bologna and cheese. I need a piece of your sandwich !!! GIVE ME -oh no ! Wait ARHHHHGHHHH ! And thereby he'd become the Hulk and if i had'nt gobbled my sandwich by then, well, the Hulk got it.
One morning in Sunday school Richie raised his hand and asked Rev. Owens, "Is Jesus white?"
Rev. Owens said no.
Then how come they make him white here in this picture? Richie said, and he held up our Sunday school Bible. Rev Owens said, "Jesus is all colors".
Rev. Owens said "Jesus is all colors".
Then why is he white? This looks like a white man to me. Richie held the picture high so everyone in the class could see it. Don't he look white to you. Nobody said anything.
Rev. Owens was stuck. He stood there, wiping his face with his hankerchief and making the same noise he made when he preached. Wellllll ah Welllll aaahhhhh.
I was embarrassed. The rest of the kifs stared at Richie like he was crazy. Richie, forget it. I mumbled.
Naw. If they put Jesus in this picture here, and he ain't black, they should make him gray. Jesus should be gray.
Richie stopped going to Sunday school after that, though he never stopped believing in God. Mommy tried and tried to make him go back, but he wouldn't."

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

C'est un texte sur la religion et un enfant noir (?!) qui questionne son entourage sur le fait que Dieu n'a pas de couleur, qu'il n'est qu'un esprit et qu'il aime tout le monde. Richie arrête l'école parce qu'il est déçu, mais crois tjrs en Dieu.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 31 oct. 2011
Non pas du tout, le caractère principal est blanc et parle de Dieu qui n'a pas de couleur et de Jésus qui est toutes les couleurs (blanc, noir, jaune). Son frère a demandé au révérend un jour lors du catéchisme si Jésus était blanc et il lui a répondu non qu'il était toutes les couleurs. Or, son frère ne comprenait pas pourquoi il est représenté en tant que blanc et s'obstina à poser la question au révérend qui ne répondit pas. Pour lui, Jésus aurait dû être représenté en gris (gris en quelque sorte ne correspond à aucune couleur de race humaine et les gens ne se l'approprieraient pas) Dégoûté, il décida de ne plus aller à la messe mais a toujours eu la foi en Dieu. Sa mère a tout tenté pour qu'il retourne à l'église mais il n'a jamais voulu
Posté le 31 oct. 2011
Aider en anglai svp ma mere cherche une fille sersieux ki peut m'aider o devooirs :)
Posté le 31 oct. 2011
I thought it was because she wanted to be black like everyone else in church,
Cette phrase te montre qu'il n'est certainement pas noir
Je pensais que c'était parce qu'elle voulait être noire comme les autres à l'église. Il parle de sa mère...
Tu as fait une confusion quelque part!
Posté le 31 oct. 2011
merci beaucoup je vais pouvoir travailler mon texte .

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