Compréhension de texte, questions.

Publié le 19 nov. 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 26 nov. 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

A New Kind of Warrior

When I got back to the reservation, my family wasn’t surprised to see me. They’d been expecting me back since the day I
left for Seattle. There’s an old Indian poet who said that Indians can reside in the city, but they can never live there. That’s
as *close to truth as any of us get. Mostly I watched television. For weeks I flipped through channels, searched for answers
in the game shows and soap operas. My mother would circle the want ads in red and hand the paper to me.
“What are you going to do with the rest of your life?” she asked,
“Don’t know, ”I said, and normally, for almost any other Indian in the country, that would have been a perfectly fine answer.
But I was special, a former college student, a smart kid. I was one of those Indians who was supposed to make it, to rise
above the rest of the reservation like *a fucking eagle or something, I was the new kind of warrior.
For a few months, I didn’t even look at the ads my mother circled. I just left the newspaper where she had set it down. After
a while though, I got tired of television and started to play basketball again. I’d been a good player in high school, nearly
great, and almost played at the college I *attended for a couple of years. But I’d been too *out of shape from drinking
and sadness to ever be good again. Still, I liked the way the ball felt in my hands and the way my feet felt inside my shoes.
At first I just *shot baskets by myself. It was selfish, and I also wanted to learn the game against anybody else. Since I’d been
good before and embarrassed tribal members, I knew they would take revenge on me. Forget about the cowboys versus
Indians business. The most intense competition on any reservation was Indians versus Indians.

 Answer the following questions
a) General comprehension

1. What is the nature of the text? (1 point)
2. Fill in the blanks of the summary, taking words from the text:

The narrator is a young ………………. who is returning to his ……………..after having resided in Seattle. At first he falls into
apathy and only watches ………………without even reading the …………of the newspaper to find a job. However, he begins
to practice ……………….again and gets ready to play with other Indians.

b) Back home

4. What was the narrator’s family reaction on his return? Where is an Indian’s real place, (quote to justify your answer)

5. How do we see that at first he is depressed? (3 points)

6. How did his mother express her concern for him? (3 points)

c) A new kind of warrior

7. From the information in the text, say what characterised the narrator as a child and relate his life up to now. (2 points)

8. Explain the choice of the image of the eagle and the shocking juxtaposition of ‘fucking ’ and ‘eagle ’. (4 points)

9. Explain the notion ‘a new kind of warrior ’. (5 points)

d) The importance of sport

10. Explain the attraction of basketball for the narrator and the repercussion of his past victories. Why are sporting competitions
so important for young people? Answer taking the example of the text and other examples that you know of.
Write up to 120 words.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1) An autobiographie.

2) ... Indians... reservation... Television... Ads... basket...

4) The narrator's family wan't surprised to his return :" my family wasn't surprised to see me". Indians real place is in the reservation :" Indians can reside in the city, but they can live there".

5) He whatchs television...

6) She circled ads for him.

7) ?

8) The image of the eagle is using beacause it's the Indian's emblem. And this juxtaposition show that the arrateur must represent this embleme, but it's against his will..

9) Because it's not the same indians warrior who faught against cowboys. It's one warrior who fight now against those of the reserve, the Indians..


Voici toutes mes reponses... Je ne suis pas sure de moi sur ce devoir. Et je n'arrive pas a repondre aux questions 7 et 10. Pouvez vous m'eclairez et me corriger si possible? Merci d'avance :)

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