Compréhension de textes

Publié le 16 janv. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 janv. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir


Je dois rendre un travail pour mercredi sur une étude de documents. Il y'a 3 documents et à partir de ces documents on doit répondre à des questions.Il y a 3 questions que je n'ai pas vraiment compris:
Text A: What was John D Rockefeller critized for?
Text B : Which industry
Text C : Explain the caption

Puis Common points between then?

Meerci d'avance

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Text A :

He was the guiding force behind the creation in 1870 and development of the Standard Oil Company, which grew to dominate the oil industry and became one of the first big trusts in the US, thus engendering much controversy and opposition regarding its business pradctises and form of organization. He was also one of the first major philanthropists in the US, establishing several important foundations and donating a total of 540 dollars million to charity.

Text B:

Born in 1835, the son of a poor Scottish weaver, he emigrated to America with his family, settling near Pittsburgh. He took a petty job in a cotton mill, became a telegraph messenger at 14, and eventually entered the steel business. At the time of his death, his estate was estimated to exceed 500 dollars million. During his lifetime, he poured about 350 dollars million into various philanthropies, including a vast network of public libraries.

Text C

In 1869 he started what is now the largest pickling and condiment manufacturing company in the world. The first product was his mother’s “pure and superior” grated horseradish , bottled in clear glass to show its purity . In 1876 ketchup was added to the company’s lines. Their markets have grown from local to national to global-from one product to a dozen (which were made famous through the “57 varieties” slogan at the turn of the century ) to several thousand today. The company’s founder was also generous to the community and started many charitable organizations during his lifetime.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 16 janv. 2012
texte B: stell busines : industry d'acier
texte C je compredn pas la question "expliquez la légende" quel légende ???

Puis les points communs dans les 3 textes: les personnes dont on parles ont été riches et ont menés des actions de charité

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