Conjugaison + compréhension de texte + expression écrite

Publié le 27 janv. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 févr. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonsoir, voilà le sujet en images:

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voilà ce que j'ai fait:


1 -

1.I have just seen a film about the First World War, it denounced the pain endured on all sides.
2.We met him a year ago. He was recovering rom his wonds.
3.He was been trying to convince them for hours and doesn't seem succeed.
4.How long have they been living with this on their mind. They have never been able to understand what happened.
5.They have already spoken to some journalist. They haven't answered yet.


3 -

1.The man who has just entered is an old school friend.
2.It's the most movie I have ever seen.
3.It was the only country they knew.
4.I often met his brother with whom I used to go to the stadium.
5.The man I was talking with is a journalist.


2 -




3. Mettre en joue: taking aim
Frontière: border
Seulement ficher le camp: just take off
Un déchirement:
Avoir de l'importance: mattered


4. Il a une mauvaise opinion de la guerre du Vietnam
5. Apparemment il a peur de devoir pointer son arme sur quelqu'un?? Il a peur de tuer? (dans mon brouillon j'ai mis "He's afraid of charging an enemy position and adjust his rifle to aim someone in order to killing him. "


6. The narrator was thinking seriously about Canada because he wants to escape to the draft and Canada is the country most close of him.
7. Je ne sais pas ce que signifie "moral split", peut-être avoir l'esprit pris entre deux décisions?



a) false: "Most of this I’ve told before, or at least *hinted at, but what I have never told is the full truth"
b) J'hésite, effectivement il ne peut plus supporter son dilemme mais ce n'est pas "soudain" (suddenly)
c) true: "Everything sparkled. My house, I thought"
d) True: "I remember packing a suitcase and carrying it out to the kitchen, standing very still for a few minutes, looking carefully at the familiar objects all around on the kitchen table" ou "I was
afraid of walking away from my own life, my friends and my family, my whole history, everything that mattered to me."


Si possible il faudrait me corriger et m'aider à compléter car je n'ai pas atteint les 200 mots:

Many years ago, courage only showed itself (se montrer) by physical force, facing up to the danger. But by now, that conception of courage is obsolete. There are still people who show physical courage as (like?) saving lives, and I admire it. But nowadays, courage or, rather, its vision is something else. The courage is the ability to overcome fear, but not necessarily physically. Courage is to be not what others want we are. It's necessary to be courageous to stand up when you feel that beliefs to whom you believe deeply are attacked. So, courage isn't to lower the head or closing the eyes when our values and principles are violated. Thus Tim isn't a coward as people would call him, contrariwise. He showed his courage by saying "NO" by escaping his country because he didn't want to remove any human being's life. So he got the nerve to show his opinions.


24 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 28 janv. 2012
Je vais regarder le tout et te corrigerai l'ensemble!

A +
Posté le 28 janv. 2012
Merci :)
Posté le 29 janv. 2012
Demain je te mets tout. J'imprimerai ce que tu as fait au boulot. Plus d'encre à la maison :-) et lundi soir voire avant je te poste mes éventuelles remarques et corrections.
Posté le 29 janv. 2012
En fait, tu t'en es bien sortie pour les devoirs précédents ?
Posté le 29 janv. 2012
C'est vraiment très gentil!

Oui j'ai eu d'excellentes notes, merci :)
Posté le 30 janv. 2012
Quelles notes sans indiscretion?

J'ai fait toutes les questions. Tu as de bonnes réponses. Je t'envoie tout ce soir.

Je vois l'expression écrite.
Posté le 31 janv. 2012

1 -

1.I have just seen a film about the First World War, it denounced the pain endured on all sides.
2.We met him a year ago. He was recovering from his wounds.
3.He has been trying to convince them for hours and doesn't seem to succeed.
4.How long have they been living with this on their mind. They have never been able to understand what happened.
5.They have already spoken to some journalists. They haven't answered yet.

Posté le 31 janv. 2012
-The boy I have just met was my first boyfriend

2°-I had always hoped to see him again, which seemed impossible.

3°- He has just been appointed in the firm whose owner is my father.

4°- Every afternoon he would go jogging in the forest he enjoyed.

5°- The girl you were talking about was my best friend
Posté le 31 janv. 2012
1.The man who has just entered is an old school friend.
2.It's the most touching movie I have ever seen.
3.It was the only country they had known.
4.I often met his brother with whom I used to go to the stadium.
5.The man I was talking with is a journalist.
Posté le 31 janv. 2012

2 - This is an extract from a novel "The things they carried" written by Tom O'Brien in 1990

Tim, a young American, has just learned that he has been drafted to fight in Vietnam. As he is against this war, he is getting ready to leave the US for Canada. But leaving his country, and his family is not an easy thing for him. He finally made the decision to leave.


3. Mettre en joue: taking aim
Frontière: border
Seulement ficher le camp: just take off
Un déchirement:
Avoir de l'importance: mattered


4. Il a une mauvaise opinion de la guerre du Vietnam
5. Apparemment il a peur de devoir pointer son arme sur quelqu'un?? Il a peur de tuer? (dans mon brouillon j'ai mis "He's afraid of charging an enemy position and adjust his rifle to aim someone in order to killing him. "


6. The narrator was thinking seriously about Canada because he wants to escape to the draft and Canada is the country most close of him.
7. Je ne sais pas ce que signifie "moral split", peut-être avoir l'esprit pris entre deux décisions?
Posté le 31 janv. 2012
Mettre en joue: to take aim
Frontière: border
Seulement ficher le camp: just take off
Un déchirement:a moral split
Avoir de l'importance: to matter
J'ai mis à l'infinitif. Je ne sais pas s'ils veulent qu'on retranscrive les mots du texte tels qu'ils sont écrit ou qu'on les mettent comme ils l'indiquent.


4. For Tim, this war is wrong.
5. He is afraid to die and to kill somebody I did not want to die... I imagined doing things I couldn't do.... human being.


6. The narrator was thinking seriously about Canada because he wants to escape the draft and Canada is the closest country, only an eight-hour drive

To be continued tomorrow :-)
Posté le 31 janv. 2012
The narrator was seriously thinking about.... correction
Posté le 1 févr. 2012
Je ne t'ai pas oubliée. Je te poste l'ensemble ce soir.

A bientôt
Posté le 1 févr. 2012
Il n'y a pas de problème :)

Alors j'ai eu 18/17/17 !
Posté le 2 févr. 2012
Je ne sais pas ce que signifie "moral split", peut-être avoir l'esprit pris entre deux décisions?

Cela veut dire une déchirure moral. Il est partagé moralement entre son désir de quitter les US pour le canada et laisser sa famille et sa vie aux USA.

This is a moral split for him because he does not want to be draftted and must leave the US where his life and family are.
I feared the war... i feared the law.. I feared the ridicule and censure" c'est pour la partie qui le pousse à partir
yes... but I feared the exile. I was afraid of....parents " pour la partie fears of leaving.

8) a c'est bon

b) right how I cracked how at work one morning...empty C'est pas suddenly qu'il faut chercher mais une expression qui montre que sa décision a été prise soudainement. Donc one morning... un matin. Il l'a fait de façon irréfléchie.

d) ok

Posté le 2 févr. 2012
Est-ce que tu peux me mettre le sujet de l'essai pour que je vois si ce n'est pas hors sujet. Ensuite je te le corrigerai car il y a des fautes.
Posté le 2 févr. 2012
Merci pour tes corrections.

Je sais que je n'avais pas à chercher directement le mot "Suddenly" mais quelque chose qui voulait dire que c'était soudain mais je ne trouvais pas.

Donc moral split c'est bien être déchiré entre deux décisions, une sorte de dilemme quoi.

Le sujet de l'essai càd? Sur quoi porte mon cours? Si c'est ça, le cours parle des deux guerres mondiales, de Lafayette ainsi que de Wilson, des soldats, de la guerre au Vietnam et des événements du 11 septembre. Je ne vois pas la moindre trace du mot courage
Posté le 2 févr. 2012
Non le sujet en lui même. Il y a une question car sur ce que tu as scanné, le sujet n'apparaît pas.
Posté le 2 févr. 2012
Ah effectivement je n'avais pas remarqué, désolée. Voilà l'exercice:

Tim showed his courage by escaping. Some people would call him a coward (un lâche). What is courage ?


Posté le 2 févr. 2012
Ah effectivement je n'avais pas remarqué, désolée. Voilà l'exercice:

Tim showed his courage by escaping. Some people would call him a coward (un lâche). What is courage ?


Posté le 2 févr. 2012
When speaking about courage, this term used to refer to physical strength or danger. Today, the conception of the word “courage” has changed. Of course, there are still some people who show their courage by saving other lives and risking their own lives and I truly admire them. Courage is now the ability to overcome fear. Being courageous involves being audacious. You know you are going to take some risks. You want to be different and do not want to do like the others because you think differently. You do not want to remain submissive and want to assert your rights and beliefs. You feel that your values are violated. In this extract Tim is very courageous and not coward at all. He does not want to participate in a war that he does not approve. He dares to leave his country even if his family is left behind. This is a moral split for him because he loves his country and his family but can’t accept this war. By leaving his country, he deeply knows he might never see his family and friends and he is torn. He must feel very sad deep inside because he has made a decision that will impact his life forever.
Posté le 2 févr. 2012
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide.

Tu peux quand même me dire s'il y avait beaucoup de fautes dans mon texte?

Posté le 3 févr. 2012
En fait pour le temps ça allait mais il y a des problèmes de formulation; Tu penses en français et parfois en anglais, cela ne marche pas. To show itself cela ne se dit pas par ex.
Posté le 5 févr. 2012
Je comprends, c'est pour ça que j'ai mis la traduction en français, j'avais aussi l'impression que "ça ne le faisait pas"

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