Correction d'un texte en Anglais

Publié le 22 mars 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 29 mars 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, Je ne vous demande rien de particulier si ce n'est de corriger le texte ci-dessous. Bref, si possible quelqu'un qui a une bonne connaissance de cette langue.

Merci d'avance !

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Let's talk about Spaces and exchanges. There are 2 kind of Spaces : the real Spaces and the virtual Spaces. The first one take place in the world. Moreover, it can be places to explore like new territories or new land. But also places which are already inhabited. The second one are associated with internet, TV, radio, video games et cetera. A lot of exchanges exist on these area. You can have social exchange in order to communicate with people all over the world. Besides you can inform you about what shake the world. As well as, thanks to video games, you create a life of your own which allow you to escape reality. In a realler area, tausend people travel every day in order to exchange goods, information. Also, People have the opportunity to live abroad, go sight-seeing and trade. However, there are difference between virtual and real exchange. Virtual exchanges are created few year ago contrary to real exchanges which exist, of course, since humanity is born. But they gained in speed. It enables to talk with a person who is far away for us without move from our house. In a more professional use, campagny control all their firm abroad in a context of globalisation. In that way, economic exchanges are the most important part of globalisation. Although it create link between countries, it dammages the environment because of most of vehicles use petrol and pollute atmospher.
In order to illustrate the notion, I have chosen 3 documents. The first document focuses on a major issue which is immigration in the US. On this cartoon, we notice the presence of Pilgrins Father who are the first Europeens who went to the US in order to created America. The place where they arrived is Plymouth Rock as show it the picture. In spite of the fact that Europeens came on Native-Americans' Territory, these last didn't build a fence to prevent the founding father from entering the US. However, the cartoonist drew this in order to expose his disapproval about the current immigration policy of the USA. Indeed, if Native-Americans was built a fence, America would not be as it's today. Nevertheless, the US are building a wall between Mexico and the US to prevent Mexican from crossing the border. Thus, they want to stop flow of people. Therefore, they want to stop culture exchanges, language exchanges et cetera. To my mind, the cartoonist wanted to expose the bad side of the US. The US is a Land of immigration but the fact that they build a wall to stop immigration is quiet paradoxical.
As second document I have chosen is a poster which promote a water. The slogan is written in English and Spanish. Thus, it's a mixture of Spanish and English which is called Spanglish. Spanglish is a hybrid language created by Latino community which live in the US. It exists for a long time but now, it becomes a « ad-lingo » as show this poster. As the latinos community is the largest minority in the US, marketers target this part of the population which has a significant purchasing power. In addition to Spanglish is a evidence of integration of Latinos into a multicultural society. Indeed, it points out that there are exchanges between english and spanish speaking communities. As well as it cleary underlines the fact that this language is not a fixed, rigid institution but it's constantly modified and andopted for and by the population who uses it. I'm well aware that it's hard to be integrated but this example shows that it's possible.
Finally, for the last document, I chose a video entitled « Why should you be considering a gap year ? ». As suggest this title, the main aim of the video is to incite us to take a gap year. This video is a type of speed drawing where a person speaks when drawing. He assumes that taking a gap year is a life-changing experience. Indeed, according to him, people who have completed a gap year have gained some crucial life skill and experience. Moreover, a gap year allows students to discover the world. Therefore, they speak with other students, people in another countries that they will never meet if they didn't do a gap year.
To conclude, in the 3 documents, the idea put forward is that exchanges enable to improve the world where we live. In the first one, Native-Americans helpt Pilgrin Father in order to they survive. In the second, Exchange are a factor of integration in their adopted country. Eventually, in the last one, Exchanges can help student. Indeed, thanks to it, they can take a better decision on their studies.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 23 mars 2015

Attention aux fautes d'accord et à l'orthographe, ainsi qu'aux majuscules qui se baladent un peu partout sans raison ! J'ai corrigé quelques fautes d'expression également, mais rien de bien catastrophique. Je t'encourages à regarder les modifications de plus près. Bonne journée :)



Let's talk about Spaces and exchanges. There are 2 kind of Spaces : the real spaces and the virtual spaces. The first one takes place in the physical world. Moreover, it can be places to explore like new territories or new lands, but also places which are already inhabited. The second ones are associated with internet, TV, radio, video games et cetera. A lot of exchanges take place on these areas. You can have social exchanges in order to communicate with people all over the world. Beside you can inform yourself about what shakes the world. As well as, thanks to video games, you can create a life of your own which allow you to escape reality. In  real areas, thousand of people travel every day in order to exchange goods, information. Also, people have the opportunity to live abroad, go sight-seeing and trade. However, there are differences between virtual and real exchanges. Virtual exchanges were created a few years ago unlike real exchanges which exist, of course, since humanity is born. But they gained in speed. It enables the possibility to talk with a person who is far away from us without moving from our house. In a more professional use, companies control all their firms abroad in a context of globalisation. In that way, economic exchanges are the most important part of globalisation. Although it creates links between countries, it damages the environment because most of the vehicles use petrol and pollute the atmosphere.
In order to illustrate the notion, I chose 3 documents. The first document focuses on a major issue which is immigration in the US. On this cartoon, we notice the presence of Pilgrim Fathers who are the first Europeans who went to the US in order to create America. The place where they arrived is Plymouth Rock as it is shown in the picture. In spite of the fact that Europeans came on Native-Americans' Territory, they didn't build a fence to prevent the founding father from entering the US. However, the cartoonist drew this in order to expose his disapproval about the current immigration policy of the USA. Indeed, if Native-Americans had built a fence, America would not be as it is today. Nevertheless, the US are building a wall between Mexico and the US to prevent Mexican from crossing the border. Thus, they want to stop the flow of people. Therefore, they want to stop culture exchanges, language exchanges et cetera. In my opinion, the cartoonist wanted to expose the bad side of the US. The US is a land of immigration but the fact that they built a wall to stop immigration is quite paradoxal.
As second document I chose a poster which promote water. The slogan is written in English and Spanish. Thus, it's a mixture of Spanish and English which is called Spanglish. Spanglish is a hybrid language created by the Latino community which live in the US. It existed for a long time but now, it's becoming an « ad-lingo » as it is shown in the poster. The Latino community is the largest minority in the US, marketers target this part of the population which has a significant purchasing power. In addition to Spanglish, there is an evidence of integration of Latinos in a multicultural society. Indeed, it points out that there are exchanges between english and spanish speaking communities. As well as it cleary underlines the fact that this language is not a fixed, rigid institution but it's constantly modified and adopted for and by the population who use it. I'm well aware that it's hard to be integrated but this example shows that it's possible.
Finally, for the last document, I chose a video entitled « Why should you be considering a gap year ? ». As suggests this title, the main purpose of the video is to encourage us to take a gap year. This video is a type of speed drawing where a person speaks when drawing. He assumes that taking a gap year is a life-changing experience. Indeed, according to him, people who have completed a gap year have gained some crucial life skills and experiences. Moreover, a gap year allows students to discover the world. Therefore they speak with other students, people in another countries that they would not have met if they didn't do a gap year.
To conclude, in the 3 documents, the highlighted idea is that exchanges allow to improve the world where we live. In the first one, Native-Americans helped Pilgrim Fathers in order to help them survive. In the second document, exchanges are a factor of integration for immigrants in their adopted country. Eventually, in the last one, exchanges can help students. Indeed, thanks to it, they can take a better decision on their studies.

Posté le 23 mars 2015

Merci de ton aide! Comme je fais aussi allemand, j'ai aussi la facheuse tendance de mettre des majuscules sans m'en rendre compte ^^. Je vais regarder les modifications. Merci de m'avoir répondu si tôt surtout =D

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