Correction petite redaction (1min)

Publié le 3 oct. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 oct. 2015 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir


Pouvez vous corriger ma rédaction d'anglais surtout la correction de la langue


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Mon texte :

Good morning, so I, I'm totally against the colonisation ! Why ? First, according to me, we have to let the people, The right of peoples to self-determination is important. For example, would you like that tomorrow more advanced people than you come to steal your territory and to take your wealth ? I think that the answer is of course no. We must let to the people their wealth …
And later ? They will want to regain their independence therefore it will creat wars to more or less long term as for instance in Algeria …
We don't need to impose our culture and our way of thinking or expand our territory even if the mix of cultures is interesting…
To conclude, I would say that we must let the different peoples peaceful.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 4 oct. 2015

je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu met "so I, I'm " pourquoi 2 fois le même sujet ?? est ce volontaire ??

Posté le 4 oct. 2015

C'est pour dire : Alors, moi, je suis ...

Posté le 4 oct. 2015

je te conseille 

Posté le 4 oct. 2015

ok merci

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