correction texte anglais

Publié le 20 avr. 2014 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 avr. 2014 dans 10A
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Sujet du devoir


je dois préparer mon oral en anglais et j'aurais aimée que quelqu'un me corrige mon texte svp .




Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

voici mon texte:

I'm going to present the notion Spaces and echanges. Echange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. During this exposision I'm going to discuss about this question: what's the diversity of cultures in GB and the influence of the Commonwealth on today's ?
First I will introduce the cultural diversity in Britain. Then in a second step the influenceo of the Commonwealth on today's.

First all we have seen in Britain there is a very important cultural diversity. Indeed in the UK many people are present. For example, the Asian community is represented in this country. There is for example the London Mela festival which is the biggest festival of culture and Asian music in Europe. In this festival all Asia, the music, food, and dance.The London Mela is an artistically led celebration of Asian culture and creativity, inspired by South Asia and the Diaspora.This allows people to learn more about this culture and lifestyle and it is a truly inter-cultural family event with something for every generation of every community.
In the UK Latin American culture is also very present. Indeed many people from central and south america live in the UK. All London Mela festival as a spcécifique Asian culture, there is a festival unique to Latinos. This is the Carnival of Pueblo, it is Europe's largest celebration of Latin American cultur, held in Burgess Park, London on the first week of August. The event incorporates elements of Latin American culture, featuring dance rhythms, food and music.Seven countries participate in this street procession, which ends in Burgess Park.

The Commonwealth of nation, commonly known as the Commonwealth is an interovernmental organisation of fifty-three member states that were mostly territories of the former British Empire.Many Commonwealth nations possess traditions and customs that are elements of a shared Commonwealth culture. This organization is very important in the UK and it is still present. In fact, the Commonwealth has allowed the English culture to enrich and be developped in many countries because it is composed of several different cultures. For example in sport.In fact many Commonwealth nations play similar sports that are considered quintessentially "British" in character for example cricket, rugby, and netball. Playing these sports is seen to be a sign of sharing a certain Commonwealth culture. The cricket is a very popular sport in the UK it is common to India thanks to the Commonwealth. Currently, every four years takes place the Commonwealth Games, is an international, multi-sport event involving athletes from the Commonwealth of Nations. It helps maintain some cohesion between the countries.
The English language is recognised as a symbol of the members' heritage. In 1987, the Commonwealth Foundation established the annual Commonwealth Writers' Prize to encourage the new Commonwealth fiction and and they are known in other countries.

To conclude the UK has a very diversified culture and historical past as a crucial player in this cultural diversity.

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 20 avr. 2014


Je pense que c'est exchange, pas echange;

pas exposision , mais exposition;

pas comme ca -I'm going to discuss about this question, mais comme ca- I'm going to discuss this question;

et qu'est ce que tu veut dire ici- "the influence of the Commonwealth on today's"; ici-"First all we have seen in Britain there is a very important cultural diversity..."

pas-Then in a second step, mais seulement ca-Then...

Repond moi, et fait les corrections.

je continue... :)


Posté le 20 avr. 2014

ah, peut etre tu voulait dire: the influence of Commonwealth today; et We all know that Britain has a very important/big cultural diversity.

Posté le 20 avr. 2014

Ligne 8 :

In the UK , there is represented the Asian community as well.For example, there is the London Mela Festival, wich is the biggest festival of Asian culture in the Europe. This festival represents Asian culture itself: their music, food and dances.

Posté le 21 avr. 2014

merci pour ta réponse

"First all we have seen in Briatain ..." , je voulais dire que tous d'abord nous avons vue (en classe) qu'il y a une grande diversité culturel en GB. 

Posté le 21 avr. 2014

oh, alors tu dois ecrire : As we have seen, GB has a very big cultural diversity.


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