corrigé dialogue anglais

Publié le 5 mars 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 mars 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour , je suis en terminale et j'ai un devoirs à rendre en Anglais . Il s'agit d'un dialogue , le sujet : Imagine the conversation between you and your dad / mum / brother before you leave to go abroad.
Si quelqu'un aurait la gentillesse de corriger mes fautes ça serait sympa , merci d'avance .

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

intro : The scene takes place in the restaurant in the evening. A mother and her young son are talking around a glass. Nick announces to her mother ( Ashley) his project to live in France and explains the reasons to leave her mother .

Nick :'' I really wanted to see you to announce an news important '' He said .

Ashley '' Really ? i listen to you '' she answered curiously .

Nick : ''Well, I decided to leave the house to go to settle me abroad '' he announces worried .

Ashley : ''Um.. what ? Why do you want to leave us? you've got your family , your shool and your comfort there . '' she exclaimed shocked .

Nick : ''yeah .. you know i'd like to be independent '' He declared .

Ashley : '' Are you sure that is a good idea ? '' She asked .

Nick '' Of course , i'm dying to discover new languages . This is a big opportunity for me to become multi-lingual . Besides , i'll learn about new cultures , new friends and see a bigger world. '' He answered .

Ashley : '' Er.. , the thing is how to live wihtout our money ? if you want to be independant you'll have to look after yourself '' he warned .

Nick '' Let met think .. I'm going to work everydays . You know how to be bilingual is an advantage to find a job. Furthermore it improved my cv. Then I want to learn to live with the minimum, i don't need your money '' He declared angrily .

Ashley '' so ,Imagine you'll not integrate into country ? you've afraid to being homesick , don't you ? '' She insisted .

Nick '' Um.. i don't think so ! , Justly , this journey makes me confidence and mature . You know , without my family , i'll have to manage on your own me. So , it will allow me to know peoples a lot better and to open to the other . '' He stated .

Ashley : ''okay , so can you understand what i feeling? , it's important this journey for you , isn't it/you ? '' She asked worried .

Nick '' Um .. it is ! I need to live a new experience , don't worry i'll don't forget you and my fathers , my litlle brothers and sisters '' He promised .

Ashley : ''You're really decided to go abroad , aren't you ? '' She asked anxiously .

Nick '' yeah , definitely '' He answered .

Ashley '' So , i support your project but if if within one year it doesn't work , you return home okay ? '' She proposed .

Nick '' Um.. okay no problem '' He replied happy .

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 mars 2015

bonjour, bah je crois que cest tout bon !

Posté le 5 mars 2015

Juste pense à mettre le sujet "je" en majuscule ;) 

Posté le 5 mars 2015


Voici ci-dessous quelques corrections en gras dans ton texte

(J'ai juste une petite remarque sur le sujet :"imagine the conversation between you and your dad, mother etc". Posé ainsi, cela signifie que c'est à la première personne du singulier, s'il s'agit d'une conversation entre toi et l'un de tes parents...or je vois que tu as mis en scène un autre jeune, donc 3eme singulier, qui veut partir. Est-ce que tu es sûr que cela va aller ainsi ?)


intro : The scene takes place in the restaurant in the evening. A mother and her young son are talking around a glass. Nick announces to her mother ( Ashley) his project to live in France and explains the reasons why he plans to leave her mother .

Nick :'' I really wanted to see you to announce you something very important '' He said .

Ashley '' Really ? ok, so, i listen to you '' she answered curiously .

Nick : ''Well, you see, I have decided to leave the house, to go to settle me abroad '' he announces worried .

Ashley : ''Um.. what did you say? Why do you want to leave us? you've got your family , your shool and your comfort here . '' she exclaimed shocked .

Nick : ''yeah .. I mean, you know... i'd like to be independent '' He declared .

Ashley : '' Are you sure that is a good idea ? '' She asked .

Nick '' Of course it is , i'm dying to discover new languages . This is a real opportunity for me to become multi-lingual . Besides , i'll learn about new cultures , I will meet new friends and I'll see a wider world. '' He answered .

Ashley : '' Er.. , the point is how will you live wihtout our money ? I'm sorry but,  if you want to be independant you'll have to look after yourself '' She warned .

Nick '' Let met think .. I'm going to work everyday . You know how to be bilingual is an advantage to find a job. Furthermore this will improve my cv. Then I want to learn to live with the minimum, You should not think I need your money, I am able to live without it '' He declared angrily .

Ashley '' so , imagine you could not integrate a diferent culture... Aren't you  afraid of being homesick  ? '' She insisted .

Nick '' Um.. Oh, please, come on, mum, I am not so stupid ! , Justly , this journey will make me more self-confident and mature . You know , without my family , i'll have to succeed by my own. So , it will allow me to know people  better and I will learn to open my mind to the others . '' He stated .

Ashley : ''okay , but,  can you understand what I'm feeling? Is this journey so important to youthat you can decide to abandon your family without any kind of regret ? '' She asked worried .

Nick '' Um .. yes, it is important ! I hoped you could understand that I need to live a new experience, it's just normal... I mean, I won't stay  at home all my life long, and...the time has come now...I know that it can be hard to you to admit that your little boy is becoming a man, but I'm sorry, here we are, and  I love you all,  don't worry, mum,  I won't forget you,  any of you, ; But please, try to feel happy for me, try to think "oh my god, my boy is now able to live his life, I am so happy to see  that we have prepared him to this '' .

Ashley : ''You're really decided to go abroad , aren't you ? '' She asked anxiously .

Nick '' yeah , definitely '' He answered .

Ashley '' So , i support your project but can you promise that if  within one year it doesn't work , then you won't go on this way, and  that in this case you will return home, okay ? '' She proposed .

Nick '' Um.. okay no problem '' He replied happy .

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