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Publié le 22 nov. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 25 nov. 2015 dans 8A
19.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir


j'ai un devoir à rendre pour demain en anglais;

Voici la consigne:

Tu es de retour de vacances, tu as eu la chance de partir 3 semaines en Ecosse grace a une formule appellée "house swapping" . Ecris un mail a ton meilleur ami en parlant de tes dernières vacances; dates, durée, destination, moyen de transport, description de l'habitation, avantages et inconvenients de la formule, tu lui recommandes ou non la formule


voilà le texte mais j'aimerais qu'on me le corrige et là où y'a un blanc me donner des idées merci

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Dear Léo,

How are you ? I hope you are fine. I got home today from holiday. I went in Scotland best of a house swapping. If you don't know what it is, I will explain this for you : it's an economical way to vacation far from home. Two families agree to exchange their homes for a period of time for vacation. I wanted to go on holidays but I didn't have a lot of money so I remembered that my friend has tried the way « house swapping » last year and she was satisfied with it so I wanted to try too. The holidays lasted three weeks.

Organising a swap is a little bit complicated but the website is easy to use ! You have to fill a form with your name, your call number, the size and the description of your house, the equipments, to write if you have a car and and if they are allowed to drive it, ... I didn't have a country on my mind, I only wanted that the house was abroad to discover another things, new people,... And I found a family of three members who wanted to come for their holidays in Belgium. I was lucky ! I contacted them and we spoke about our houses, the travel, the time of our vacation and of course, we chose our dates of the flights for the same day. It's important because we don't want to arrive and to find the other family still at home. I sent them a letter with the number of my doctor, vet, hairdresser and said them to don't forget to water my plants and to feed my dog. They sent me a letter like this too. We took the plane the first November at ten o'clock.

When I arrived in the airport, I took the taxi from there which drove me to the house of the other family. They had a beautiful house situated in the center of Scotland. In front of the house, there was a bakery and a lot of others houses but there wasn't lots of cars which drove on the road. It was pretty quiet. Of course, the house was very clean. There was two floors. On the first floor there were a big living room, a kitchen and a bathroom ; on the second floor there were three bedrooms and one bathroom. The garden was huge, there was a swimming pool so I swam every day. There also was a balkon and from there I had a beautiful view : there was a beach not so far from the house.

I spent great time during three weeks : The first





The first advantage of this way of vacation is of course the price. Your only expenses are for the travel so you don't have to be careful with your money on holiday. If I had been in a hotel it had cost 15000 € for three weeks ; Second, you will live in an equiped house so there are all sorts of equipments which there aren't in a hotel like a washing maschine, a bicycle, a car, a computer, a garden with barbecue,... Moreveover it's comfortable ; Third, your house will not be unoccupied while you are away because your hosts are at your home so you can go on holiday whith the peace of mind that your house is in security ; Fourth, you will make new friends (neighbours of your hosts, friends of them,...) during your holidays. You will come back home with a lot of new contacts in your telly. It's a good thing.

Unfortunately, there isn't only advantages. There also are disadvantages... « House swapping » is a good way to vacation without spending a lot of money on hotels but it can also have consequences in your life. First of all, you have to be very careful with the people you are doing the swap with because you don't know how they will treat your house. It's important to keep in mind that those people are strangers so while you are not at home, they are able to do everything they want and they can ruin your house ! Furthemore, the images of the house that the family put on internet can be completely different that what you thought was and you can be disapointed. Another disadvantage is that like you stay in a swapped house, you feel yourself strange. It's not your space, not your intimiyy and to sleep in a bed of a stranger can be curious.

In conclusion, the « house swapping » can be a good way o vacation cheaply so I recommend you this way but you have to be careful because you don't really know who is going to your house and if the images of the house you saw on internet are real.

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