Répondre à des questions sur un texte en anglais

Publié le 27 oct. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 oct. 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Prince of peace

1. Andrew Carnegie
2. was born in Dunfermline in Scotland,
3. came over to the States in an immigrant
4. ship worked as bobbinboy in a textile factory
5. fired boilers
6. clerked in a bobbin factory at 2.50 a week
7. ran round Philadelphia with telegrams as a Western
8. Union Messenger
9. learned the Morse code was telegraph operator on the
10. Pennsy lines
11. was a military telegraph operator in the Civil War and
12. always saved his pay;
13. whenever he had a dollar he invested it.
14. Andrew Carnegie started out buying Adams Express and
15. Pullmann stock when they were in a slump;
16. he had confidence in railroads,
17. he had confidence in communications,
18. he had confidence in transportation,
19. he believed in iron.
20. Andrew Carnegie believed in iron, built bridges Besse-
21. mer plants blast furnaces rolling mills,
22. Andrew Carnegie believed in oil;
23. Andrew Carnegie believed in steel;
24. always saved his money
25. whenever he had a million dollars he invested it.
26. Andrew Carnegie became the richest man in the world
27. and died.
28. Bessemer Duquense Rankin Pittsburgh Bethelem Gary
29. Andrew Carnegie gave millions for peace
30. and libraries and scientific insitutes and endowments
31. and thrift
32.whenever he made a billion dollar he endowed an institution
33 .to promote universal peace
34. always
35. exept in time of war.


a) what was carnegies's economic and social situation when he arrived in the usa?

b)what kind of jobs did carnegie do?what do you conclude?

c)what did carnegie do with his money?what do you conclude?

d)in wich business sectors was carnegie intrested?

e)how does the author show that carnegie became extremly wealthy?

f)did carnegie only invest his money in business ventures?

g)the biography of carnegie is presented like a poem, justify by commenting on he form of the text(2 elements).why this biography is presented like a poem?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

a)carnegie emigrated to the usa as a poor guy in a immigrant chip.

b)bobbin boy,clerck,telegraph operator,military telegraph operator in CW. Andrew carnegie did so many job he his obiously a very hard worker.

c)he always saved his money. carnegie was a self made man  .

d)he is intrested by the steel industry but also by the oil and the iron industry.

après cela je n'y arrive pas..

merci d'avance pour votre aide et sil vous plait dite moi si ce que jai fait est correct :)

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 27 oct. 2014

obviously, et non obiously,

d) he is interested in et non interested by


question f)

"Carnegie gave million for peace", Carnegie became the richest man in the world" .... No, he did not only invest money in business but everytime Carnegie had money, he spent it for a good purpose, to help associations or institutions



Posté le 28 oct. 2014

merci bcp et pr les autres réponses c'est okay?

pour la f moi jvs penser a ça:

Carnegie had donated many million on libraries,world peace ans scientifics research.

pour la e)

The author deal with the money of carnegie 3 times.

the first time is whe carnegie cames to usa: "he had a dollar"in a second time he said tha "he had a million dollar" and the third time is "he made a billion dollars".So this 3 times show how carnegie became a wealthy men.

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