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Publié le 22 nov. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 25 nov. 2015 dans 8A

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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider a faire mon texte svp

voila la consigne
- tu es de retour de vacances et tu as eu la chance de partir trois semaine en Ecosse grace a unz formule particuliere appelée "house swapping"
Ecris un email a ton meillejr ami dans lequel tu pafles de tes dernieres vacances: date, duree, destination, moyen de transporft
Description de l'habitation
Avantages et inconvenients de la formule house swapping
Tu recommandes (ou non) la formule et pk 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je n'ai pas trop d'idee car je n'ai jamais fait de house swapping.. Quelqu'un peut corriger et me rajouter/donner des idees a ajouter svp merci


how are you? I hope you are fine. I got home from holidays today. I went in Scotland best of a house swapping. If you don't know what it is, I will explain this for you: it's an economical way to vacation far from home. You arrange to occupy someone's home at your destination while he occupes yours.

the holidays lasted three weeks: everything was perfect. I wanted to go on holidays but I didn't have a lot of money so I remembered that my friend tried the way house swapping last year and she was satisfied with is so I wanted to try too. 

Organising a swap can be complicated because we have to fill a form with your name, the size and the description of your house, the appliances, to write if you have a car or not, the "alentours?" Of the house,... I didn't have a country on my mind, I only wanted that the house was abroad to discover another things, new people,... And i found a nice family of 5 members from Scotland who wanted to come for their holidays in Belgium. I was lucky! "on s'est contacté"?? And we spoke about our holidays, the house,... They sent me a letter about how the house works with the number of the doctor, cleaner, vet, their friends,... And me too. Then, we chose (les dates?) of our flights for the same day: it's  importznt that our flights coincide because we don't want to arrive and to find the other family still at home. We took the plane the 1 st Novembee at 10 hours.


when we arrived in the airport we took the taxi from there which drove us to the house of the other family. They had a beautiful house with two floors, a big garden with a swimming pool, ... They had a balkon where the view was unforgettable. There was a beach not so far from the house. Of course, the house was clean! They had a car... 


I think that house swapping is an interesting way to go on holidays without paying 5000€ for three weeks. There are a lot of advantages like:


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