Idea of Progress

Publié le 13 mai 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 mai 2015 dans 9A
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Bonjour, je suis en terminale S et dans une semaine je passe mon orale d'anglais. Serait-il possible d'obtenir une correction, une critique de mon travail et des conseils ou reformulation qui pourraient m'aider svp ? Merci d'avance !

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Idea of progress


-Look up, by Kieran Donaghy video and text (study)

-Selfie, Aspirational video (study)
-A New country, Indiana Crurrents ( June 23rd 2011) New Bridges p 70-71(study)


I'm going to talk about the notion of idea of progress. To begin with I'd like to give a definition of the notion. According to me,The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change,a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. How has the social networks modified our social behaviour and changed the way we communicate? I would like to illustrate this notion through social network impact in life. To start with, I’m going to speak about Facebook social-network an opening on the World, then I will describe the excess of technology which is turning people superficial, and finally we will see the social network dellusion.


I/ A new country, social-network as opening on the World.


Firstly, social networks are compares to a “perfect life” and a second life which allow us to escape from the real life. In a text study in class A new coutry extract from the New Briges p.70-71 which deals with Facebook and social network we so that today people introduce themselves as “ So, are you on Facebook ?”. In my opinion, they searching a way to keep contact easily with this person cause when you work or something like that you are often busy and you don't have so much time to see your friends in real life everyday but you can send them a message to have some news. Whether Facebook is so popular it's because it's a new ice-breaker, a wonderful escape and aims to Facebook you can meet new friends and rediscovering long-lost friends. In addition, today Facebook is a part of the life of many peoples and have an important place in. Nevertheless,Mr Zuckerberg, founder of facebook, should warning Facebook users that Facebook is not real life because on this social-network you choose what you want to share with the others. However each of us hide badtime, badmood, baday...Hence the idea that Facebook seems like a perfect world but we should not forget it's a virtual world and each people decides to share what they want about their life. Sometimes life is good but sometimes it's less. In short, this text explain that Facebook allow people to communicate quicker and easier despite the fact that Facebook only show the good part of people life.


II/ Selfie, When people became superficial.


Besides, society is going down with this whole interconecting people linked to their smartphone who don't have the self control to know when to stop using it.In a short video called Aspirational with the actress Kirsten Dunst and director Matthew Frost pull focus to this weird cultural trend that has replaced those archaic pen-to-paper autographs. Thus,the girls who recognized Kirsten in this just showed how disconnected some have become due to their own insecurities. Instead of being happy with who they are, present in the moment, technology and social media have put their focus on the future. Rather of living in the now, meeting a famous actress, they are instead obsessed about how many likes they get in the future, who in the future sees their social media pictures, how much they can impress others in the future. They aren't really living. Accordingly,the problem here is not about taking a "selfie" with the celebrity Kirsten Dunst. But every other aspect of the video. Owing to you see somebody you want to take a picture with... why would it be so hard to actually engage a proper conversation, and you can take some pictures meanwhile (or afterwards) when you asked her, if "it's ok"...Barely a hello flew around there, not a single question if she minds taking the pictures, nor did they care about anything she would have to say... (no questions, nothing). In brief, this kind of mediatic progress deride the world and our society due to the isolation of people only focus on themselves.


III/ Look up, denounce the social network dellusion.


Now, I'm going to talk about the isolation of people and what they missed.In a video called Look up made by Gary Turk, it is said that this generation's is obsessing by technology and social networks. That is why he's saying that we need to make real relationships with people and one of the ways to do that is to look at our surroundings and less at our phones. Furthemore,this was a very powerful video for me since I personally look down at my phone all the time and miss what's happening around me. Yes, technology is great, but we need to remember that it's not everything.



To put it in a nutshell, progress has positive and negative aspects. So much so that too much progress can have harmful consequences although it permits to improve life. In this case, it makes firstly people independent but finally creates addiction and a modern enslavement particularly in the field of technology. To cap it all, progress is probably everywhere around us and it allowed to change the mentalities and the habits all around the world... But it also implies worse sides by creating new dangers.So to my mind, progress generally helps us to live better but we have to be careful with it.But we should not forget that social network are a communicating system, you talk and interact with people in a way that was never possible before, is it really bad to use social-network?

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 13 mai 2015


Ton oral est vraiment bien mais je te conseille de ne pas finir ta conclusion par une question

Posté le 13 mai 2015

Pour celui-ci au lieu de finir sous forme de question je peux tout simplement dire : But we should not forget that social networks are a communicating system, you talk and interact with people in a way was never possible, so sometimes it's not as bad as we think to use social-network.

Posté le 13 mai 2015

Oui car la question laisse des doutes à l'examinateur donc c'est mieux quand tu affirme ce que tu pense

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