L'auteur dans son siècle littérature anglaise

Publié le 8 juin 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 15 juin 2016 dans 7A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour! Je suis en terminale L et je prépare mes oraux de littérature anglaise. Comme thème, j'ai choisi l'auteur dans son siècle. Ma problématique est: comment l'auteur se sert-il des problèmes de son siècle pour critiquer celui-ci dans son oeuvre?" Comme document, j'ai choisi The grapes of Wrath de Steinbeck, The death of a salesman d'Arthur Miller, et, en document personnel, j'ai choisi Cell de Stephen King. Seulement, je ne suis pas sûre de la pertinence de cet extrait. Le livre parle de personnes qui deviennent subitement folles lorsqu'elles répondent au téléphone.Le voici: 

“So how many of the damn things are there in Boston?” Clair asked. “What’s the market penetration?”

“Given the large numbers of college students, I’d say it’s got to be huge,” Mr. Ricardi replied. He had resumed his seat behind his desk, and now he looked a little more animated. Comforting the girl might have done it, or perhaps it was being asked a business-oriented question. “Although it goes much further than affluent young people, of course. I read an article in Inc. only a month or two ago that claimed there’s now as many cell phones in mainland China as there are people in America. Can you imagine?”

Clay didn’t want to imagine.

“All right.” Tom was nodding reluctantly. “I see where you’re going with this. Someone –some terrorist outfit- rigs the cell phone signals somehow. If you make a call or take one, you get some king of a… what? ... some kind of a subliminal message, I guess… that makes you crazy. Sounds like science fiction, but I suppose fifteen or twenty years ago, cell phones as they now exist would have seemed like science fiction to most people.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s something like that,” Clay said. “You can get enough of it to screw you up righteously if you even overhear a call.” He was thinking of Pixie Dark. “But the insidious thing is that when people see things going wrong around them..”

*”Their first impulse is to reach for their cell phones and try to find out what’s causing it,” Tom said.

“Yeah,” Clay said. “I saw people doing it.”

Qu'en pensez-vous? Est-il trop court? Et y voyez vous, comme moi, une critique de l'usage des téléphones portables?

Merci beaucoup pour vos réponses!

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