Lettre écrite en anglais. Correction des fautes simplement.

Publié le 19 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 26 oct. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir


On me demande d'écrire une lettre en Anglais, ce que j'ai fais. J'aimerais que l'on me dise les éventuelles fautes d'orthographe, de grammaire, ou de conjugaison.

Merci d'avance.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

My dear Sherley,
I received the letter that you sent the very same day my departure to me, so that I receive it as soon as possible. They was good to receive news of your share. Me, I go very well, you would see here, as it is different from London! I did not believe my eyes of them! This effervesence! It is splendid! You will never guess what arrived to me last Thursday. Do you remember my correspondent Mike? It is him who had found me this apartment, and he announced perhaps to me that he would have a place for me in his company. It is fantastic! All thus occurs to wonders, but I cannot say that my happiness is complete. Oh! I see you already telling me to stop feeling sorry for me! But how to stop feeling sorry for me of your absence at my sides? It is what I regret more. I place much hopes as Mike, and his offer. So really, I obtain this job, I could remain here, in San Francisco, and if you always agree to support my small (let us be realities, large. ) defects, you will be able soon to join me, and we will be able to found our family here, together.
I must go there now, I wait with interest to have your news.
With all my love,

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 19 oct. 2011
My dear Sherley, I received the letter that you sent the very same day my departure to me, so that I receive it as soon as possible. They was good to receive news of your share. Me, I go very well, you would see here, as it is different from London! I did not believe my eyes of them! This effervesence! It is splendid! You will never guess what arrived to me last Thursday. Do you remember my correspondent Mike? It is him who had found me this apartment, and he announced perhaps to me that he would have a place for me in his company. It is fantastic! All thus occurs to wonders, but I cannot say that my happiness is complete. Oh! I see you already telling me to stop feeling sorry for me! But how to stop feeling sorry for me of your absence at my sides? It is what I regret more. I place much hopes as Mike, and his offer. So really, I obtain this job, I could remain here, in San Francisco, and if you always agree to support my small (let us be realities, large. ) defects, you will be able soon to join me, and we will be able to found our family here, together. I must go there now, I wait with interest to have your news. With all my love, Daren.

voici la correction de ta lettre su je me trompe pas il n'y a pas de faute
Posté le 20 oct. 2011
the day I left so that I received it ????????
I was good to hear from you.
As for me, I am doing fine ??????????
I couldn't believe my eyes.Such effervescence!It's splendid!
You'll never guess what happened to me last Friday.
and he announced that he might have a place for me

All thus ...wonders je ne comprends pas cette phrase
to stop feeling sorry for myself..how to stop feeling sorry for myself without you by my side?

I place high hopes on Mike and his offer. So really, if I get this job I could remain ....and if you still agree to put up with my small ... you will soon be able to join me

I must go, I can't wait to hear from you.
Posté le 20 oct. 2011
Bonjour HocusPocus et Pwiincess,

Merci pour vos deux réponses, mais en fin de compte, j'ai un peu modifié ma lettre ( enfin, son contenu ) donc ce n'est plus vraiment ce que j'ai posté. Je verrais si je peux passer vous mettre la nouvelle, mais je devrais tout recopier, et c'est assez long. Enfin, merci beaucoup de vos réponses.

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