Nocion d'anglais "Location and forms of power"

Publié le 19 mai 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 22 mai 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous, comme beaucoup de terminales je vais bientôt passer mes oraux de langues. J'ai quelques lacunes en anglais que j'essai de combler alors ce serais sympas que quelqu'un ai l'amabilité de jeter un coup d'œil à ma petite rédactions si dessous afin de m'aider à corriger les fautes. Merci d'avance.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voila ma présentation:

The notion I'm going to deal with is Location of Forms of Power. First let me define the notion. A form of power is the ability or official capacity to exercise control or authority. This notion can be illustrated with the example of the gun culture in the US. The US is made out of deaths and wars, so guns are part and parcel of this country. The history of the US has given its people the power of guns as a legacy. We may wonder to what extent can we say that the gun culture generate a forms of power in the US ?
In a first part we will focus on the action of a pro-guns lobby group. Then in a second part we will study the action of an anti-gun organization.

A big part of the population is very attached to the right to carry gun, which finds its justification in the Constitution itself, the founding document of the nation and of the country. There are mainly represented by a very powerful association called the NRA which means National Rifle Association. This organisation prevents gun control and gun violence. Indeed the NRA publish video untitled Eddie Eagles in school to encourage gun ownership at the youngest age, moreover the NRA has recently published a revisited version of Hansel and Gretel which calls ” Hansel and Gretel have a gun”. Then this lobby group have an electoral influence. Indeed the NRA support political candidates financially so they can run their electoral campaign. It is beneficial for the NRA because then the candidates supports and embodies the NRA's cause. Furthermore NRA lobbying led to law that stopped CDC from using federal funds to study gun violence.

Another part of the population fights for more gun control, to avoid tragedies like the ones that have destroyed many lives. The Brady Campaign is one of the organisations that have this opinion on the subject. The Brady Campaign broadcast actions though the Internet. They initiate petitions to prevent gun dealers from selling guns to people without checking their background that is to say selling them illegally. Like the worm who damages the apple, on the logo of the petition, gun dealer spoil the society. Then the Brady Campaign file suit irresponsible gun dealers who sold guns to people without checking their backgrounds and they defend the victims or the family of the victims. They empower the judicial domain like with the story of Delena and the Odessa Gun and Pawn.

To conclude, the gun culture causes many conflicts. Indeed, there is the opposition between two forms of power: first is the hard power of he pro-gun people, they fake their feeling and they can blackmail the government for the profitability of the gun industry. The second is the soft power of the anti-gun people, they inform and sensitize the population to the danger of guns. These form of power are located in association as the NRA and the Brady Campaign. 

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