Notion d'Anglais "lieu et forme de pouvoir"

Publié le 15 mai 2016 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 mai 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

I am going to talk about the notion « Sites and Forms of Power ».

 First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion.

The power does not mean being superior and give orders, can inculcate the principles, values, guiding others while feeling on an equal footing.

You can lead a form of power, alone or in groups.

The locus of power is established through place-speak (speech) or acts of all kinds but also in the "buildings",Buckingham Palace.


In order to illustrate this notion, I’m going to talk about the film « Sufragettes », Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King.



First of all « Sufragettes » is a radical movement fighting for women's suffrage in the United Kingdom.

This film tells the story of a young working woman who decides to engagder in the British movement for women's suffrage, social and political union women

 In this fight for equality they are ready for anything : violence, lose their job, their family and their life ... nothing stops them.

« Sufragettes » is a film of 1912 which has receided 5 awards.



But they are not the only ones to fight against a law. Rosa Park is an example of this.


Become famous in 1/12/1955 she refused to obey a bus driver who asked her to leave his place and go sit at the bottom of the vehicle, she was sitting on a seat reserved for whites . She was subsequently arrested and taken to jail for her « offense ».

Rosa Parks has contributed to the Americans' awareness and becomes an icon of the struggle against racial segregation and the struggle for civil rights in the United States.

By act has earned him the nickname "mother of the civil rights movement" by the US Congress.

Rosa Park is an icon for the civil rights movement. Also it is registered in National Women’s hall of Fame. And in the gallery  statuary of the Capitol in Washington stands a statue of her.

Many artists have paid her tribute through song such as Ben l’Oncle Soul, Pascal Obispo, Otis Taylor and OutKast.                                                                        


After you have talked about Rosa park and film Sufragettes, I will speak to Martin Luther King. He was an African American pastor who had a very important role in the history of the USA. He wanted equality for all, he fought against discrimination in the domains of suffrage, justice, education.

In his famous speech « i have a dream » Martin Luther King, he denounces the conditions of the black people in the US in the past and at the time of his speech. Indeed white and black people are not treated in the same way  especially because of the Jim Crow Laws.

These laws, which were a major element of racial segregation in the United States, distinguished citizens according to their racial and, while recognizing their equal rights, they imposed a de jure segregation in all public places and services. Thus, in his speech, Martin Luther King formulated his desire to remove those laws in order that black and white are egal.


Grace his fight against racial sergregation, those laws were totally abolished by the Civil Rights Act in 1964 .


To conclude I can say that the sixties present a big change on the forms of powers, the rupture with the Establishment and the consequences on the culture of the society. Now England is free with a good political system. But we should keep in mind that in some countries it exists still  a power very strict and without freedom. We must not forget that a lot of people die in these countries if they opposes of the power of the leader,a lot of progresses are still necessary on the form of power.




Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Pourriez vous me corriger mes erreurs d'orthographe et de grammaire et me dire si cela est bien merci d'avance

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 16 mai 2016

Le sujet est très intéressant et rentre bien dans la notion.

Voici ce que je peux corriger, le reste est correct :


- " I will speak about Martin Luther King ... "

- " Thanks to his fight ... "

- " if they're opposed to the power ... "


Et bonne chance pour ton oral !

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