Oral d'anglais BAC

Publié le 23 juin 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 26 juin 2015 dans 8A
20.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Bonsoir !

Dans quelque jours j'ai mon oral d'anglais pour le BAC, et j'aurai souhaité poster ma synthèse sur la notion de "Idea of Progress" pour savoir si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider à la corriger.. (Après je sais qu'il me reste la conclusion à faire mais voici déjà le plus gros du devoir).

Merci d'avance !



Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I’m gonna talk about the notion of the idea of progress. First of all, I’ll give u a quick definition of this notion. The Idea of Progress is the theory that the different advances in technology, science, and social organization can produce an improvement in the human condition. That is, people can become happier in terms of quality of life (social progress) through economic development (modernization), and the application of science and technology (scientific progress).  Progress implies change and evolution and throughout history most of the advances have been positive. However the rhythm of progress seems to have accelerated over the last few decades and the technological breakthroughs and scientific developments are causing some people to question this progress. What effect do these « advances » have on our society? Do they always have a positive effect on the way we live? Do certain new technologies bring people closer together or they alienate us? What effect does this progress have on our culture? Firstly we will see the technological progress and then we will see how the new technology change our way of living.


  1. First of all we can see that since the beginning of the technology, we know a huge progress. Like, traditionally we get news by newspaper, it is always the case nowadays, but now we can get the news by our mobile phone or our laptop. And that has totally changed the way we get the news because now we’ can have as an application, on our mobile phone, some famous newspaper and we can check the these everyday and when we want, where we are with our mobile phone or our laptop. It’s more easier to have access to the new. We can know what is going on in the world in the blink of an eye. Newspaper conform their edition to this progress. We have free access to the online editions whereas we need to pay for the print edition. That created a worldwide connection, so we can be informed everywhere and anytime. The editions online is more environment friendly. Online newspaper now complete with the social networks sites. And we can see three types of readers : first, people who believe anything they read or watch on TV so we say that they are gullible, after other people who rely in media that are trustworthy media to be informed about events and then other readers do not need the media because they like find out about what is going on alone. Thanks to this progression we can observed that in the beginning only a few instituions had access to informations because they were powerful. Then with the emergence of newspaper, citizens were able to get information from different sources, and that give us a better way to be informed. For exemple, there is the Huffington Post which are an american online news aggregator and blog. It is a free online newspaper, there is no print edition. It is also a blog because people can create their own post, and it is translated in many countries. It offers a wide range of topic, from politics to local news and lifestyle. So we can say that the technological progress bring us a new way to get the news by different kind of evolution, like newspapper online which we can check everywhere and anytime, and aslo the fact that anyone can participates at that like on the huffington post or on the social media, everyone are able to say what they want. And that change our way of living.
  2.  Yes, as we can see that technological progress changed our way of living. That give us some new habits, like check online newspaper on our mobile phone, or social networks to be always connect with the rest of the world…  And especially, that change the fact that people can participate to bring their informations for the social network… But that create a debate. In deed some people think the new media kill the traditional journalism. The ne technologies brought to the news that exponentially faster,  fuller and more accessible. now we can have more informations because by the media it is more faster and that it is more harder for the authoritarian regime to control the flow of media, and now the role have changed, journalist can get informations from people. And journalist have difficulties to accept this evolution because they want to keep editorial judgment. But it is necessary to press freedom and to develop media free and more media to have people, not journalist, who want to share their informations. But in this progress, we have a lot of advantage. Like, in Hong Kong, social network gave a huge help to Japanese people. Thanks to the social network they can organized a revolution, named Umbrella Revolution against the government. But, there is not only the new way of how we get the news nowadays in the technology progress. There is also, for exemple, how education advanced by technology. For exemple, now we can study thanks to our computer by internet. Or also people at the university don’t wright their lesson on paper, nowadays they all have a computer or a laptop to take notes of their lesson.


5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 24 juin 2015

La première partie:

Do certain new technologies bring people closer to each other.First of all we can see that since the beginning of the technology, we have known a huge progress.
Where, traditionally we get news by newspaper (and it is still the case nowadays).
We can have with an application, on our mobile phone, some famous newspaper and we can check them everyday.
When and where we want, with our mobile phone or our laptop.
The online editions arefriendlier for the environment.
Online newspaper now complete with the social networks.
After another people who rely too much in trustworthy media to be informed about events and then other readers who do not need those media because they like finding out about what is going on alone.
Citizens were able to get information from different sources, and that gave us a better way to be informed.
For exemple, there is the Huffington Post which is an american online news aggregator and blog.
Like online newspapper that we can check everywhere and at anytime.
Everyone is able to say what he or she wants.


Posté le 24 juin 2015


Et la deuxième partie:

And that has changed our way of living.
Yes, as we can see that technological progress has changed our way of living.
That has given us some new habits, like checking online newspaper.
And especially, that has changed the fact that people can participate to bring their informationon the social networks... (à mon sens ta phrase ne veut rien dire...).
But that has also created a debate.
The new technologies give to the news something exponentially faster, fuller and more accessible.
Now we can have more information.
It is faster and that it is harder.
The roles have changed (ou the role has changed).
Journalist can get information.
Yo develop free media.
To share their information.
Like, in Hong Kong where social networks give a huge help to Japanese.
They can organize a revolution.
How education advance.
We can study thanks to our computer with internet.
Or also people who are at university don’t write their lesson on paper.

Posté le 24 juin 2015


Je trouve ton travail très bien, même si quelque fois tu répètes un peu tes mots, après je te conseillerais de revoir le present perfect ainsi que de vérifier la concordance des temps. Er... que dire de plus, à oui, il n'y à jamais de s à information c'est pareil que homework et pour dire toujours en parlant du temps on utilise bien always (ex: On Wednesdays I always go to the supermarket) mais pour parler de quelque chose qui a toujours lieu à l'heure ou on parle on utilise still (ex: I'm still at the supermarket). Apres dans la phrase it's more faster, tu mets deja le superlatif avec faster donc pas besoin de rajouter more pareil pour harder. Apres il y a pas mal d'erreurs qui selon moi auraient pu être éviter comme par exemple les s à social networks ou les erreurs type they develop media free.

Posté le 24 juin 2015

Merci beaucoup pour ta correction et tes conseils, je prend tout ça en compte ! 

Bonne journée !

Posté le 25 juin 2015

Je ne sais pas quand tu passes ton oral, mais tu pourrais peut être rajouter dans ta deuxième partie quelque chose en rapport avec la solitude (regarde la vidéo The inovation of loneliness par exemple, ça peut te donner des idées http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6Bkr_udado)

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