Oral de bac: la notion Espace et Echanges

Publié le 2 mai 2013 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 mai 2016 dans 7A
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Sujet du devoir

J'aimerais obtenir une correction de mon texte pour le bac sur la notion d'espace et échanges je passe à la rentré le 6 mai

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The concept of space and exchange it's for me a broad topic we can talk about the geography, territory, but also the discovery and conquest of new lands. Exchanges of all kinds, "borrowing" from language, culture, literature more generally in everyday use, took a new dimension in the unification of spaces and peoples, languages ​​and worldviews.

In classe we studied an video «Mexican immigration bust», extracted from a CNN report and speaks about the arrestation of more than 500 migrants inside trucks bound United State. This document illustrious different aspect of the notion because this is the space of Mexico and the United States and the border between Mexico. For the concept of the exchange is the immigration. It is also a question here of the American Dream, conveyed especially by the cinema Hollywood, which broadcasts a positive image of its social model. The document is interesting because we learn that immigrants come of different country south america like Guatemala ,Central american even asia. The crossing is very dangerous the sanitary condition was deplorable and had little food and water. This is the document that i prefer because in spite of it is short we learn a lot about the reality of crossing of undocumented and this is a subject that concerns us again today The document the last chance it's a text deals with the time just before the Berlin Wall was built. it tells the story of an East German woman and her lover who planned to leave East Germany just in time before the authorities closed all border The text is related to the notion of space for germany and exchange for the crossing of west berlin because of communism. The document is a movie «vas vis et devient » the scene take place in 1984. At the initiative of Israel and the United States, a vast action is taken to bring thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel. A Christian mother pushes her nine year old son to declare the Jewish saved from famine and death. he was adopted by a French family. He grew up with the fear that one discovers his secret double lie: neither Jew nor an orphan, just black. The text and the video speak about beta israel and precisely the operation moses in 1984 who 7000 jew were rescued and brought to Israel. The falasha it's in relation with the notion space because is the country of etiopia and israel and exchange because the are the immigration between the contry.

As a conclusion we can say that this notion is mainly addressed in the aspect Spaces with countries and borders and human exchanges with immigration. The Three documents shows that they looking for a life best which impel them to overcome these frontiiere who are increasingly strengthened the american dream for american south, flee misery for the Falashas and flee the political power of commusnis for german to the west.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 mai 2016

Je te conseille de comparer ton travail avec d'autres oraux sur la notion espaces et échanges, ça va te permettre de voir tes erreurs et de les comprendre.

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