Oral du bac Spaces and Exchanges

Publié le 5 mai 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 mai 2016 dans 7A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour , voila je suis en train de préparé mes oraux de langues et j'aimerai que vous me disiez si ce que j'ai écrit est bien où non et si il y a des choses à amélioré , je n'ai pas un très bon anglais alors merci de votre aide voici ce que j'ai fais : 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Spaces and Exchanges


I will present you the notion Spaces and Exchanges. First of all , Iwould like to give a definition of spaces and exchanges. The notion Spaces and exchanges given with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. The different cultural, economic, sociological and language interactions have shaped and characterised our modern-day world.



What are the advantages and the drawbacks of the Gap year ? A Gap Year is a period of time during which a student takes a break from studying after they have finished school and befoire they start college or university. The student can decide to traveil a broad or to stay home. It usually consists in voluteoring work to help people.


First , of all , I will concentrate a advantages aspect and a second part , I will concentrate of drawbacks a gap year.


The gap year , is an opportunity to get experience for people. This is an opportunity , because it allows to leran something new and discover new population. As indicaded by Jennifer in A Postacard from the edge. She going in Aklavik and in this text , she present the impact her gap year had on her life and her future. The gap year to change that mind. The gap year is for student as indicaded the video for BBC News , “Gap year Students”. This vidéo present a gap year in India for British students. In inda students teaching and acting kills to Indien children. Make a gap year at this time is a good thing because we can learn from new culture and meeting new people.


But the gap year had drawbacks. In newpaper Postcard from edge , Jennifer present the difficulty of gap year. , She going in a village in the Caadian Article Circle. She had to do 20 hours travelling on three different planes , it is very long. In addition to live alone in a country which is not known can be dangerous because there can be a difficult life conditions , a difficult intégration at firt. Can be homesick and lonely. In the video of BBC news. We learn the dangers gap yeat students can face. This are road traffic accidents , dangers moving into drugs and sexual harasssment for younf girls.


I think a gap yeat is an beautiful experience even if we have to face some difficulty .


To conclude. Tere are advantages and disadvantages in a gap year just as any programs but there are more advantages but I would not be able to go an a gap year because
I do not think feel prète to leave my family even if it remains a rewarding experence.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 mai 2016


Au début mets plutôt I'm going to present you/ to introduce you et First au lieu de First of all

Posté le 5 mai 2016

D'accord merci

Posté le 5 mai 2016


Je suis moi aussi en terminal, je prépare donc les oraux comme toi. Je trouve ton travail très bien! Par contre, j'ai une très bonne prof d'anglais qui nous a donné pleins de conseils afin de ne pas s'attirer les foudres du prof qu'on aura a l'oral :p

D'après elle, il faut éviter les phrases qui disent qu'on va présenter tel ou tel truc comme tu le fais au début : " I would like to give a definition of spaces and exchanges." va directement dans le vif du sujet, c'est comme ça que le prof verra le travail que tu as fourni.

Ensuite, (toujours d'après elle) il est préférable de faire une sorte d'amorce en tout début d'introduction, un peu comme en philo, ça intéressera plus le prof (qui vient de passer sa journée à écouter des élèves qui ne savent pas parler anglais mdr).

Après tout est super, les phrases de transition sont top (apparemment les correcteurs adorent ça) et tes phrases sont bien rédigées! (pour les fautes je ne peux pas t'aider). Bonne chance à toi!

Posté le 6 mai 2016

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