repondre a la question: Do you agree with Clint East- wood that “politicians are employees of ours”?

Publié le 16 sept. 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 25 sept. 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

je dois repondre a la question: Do you agree with Clint East- wood that “politicians are employees of ours”?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

j'ai deja repondu a la question mais comme je suis pas fort en anglais et que je dois rendre ce devoir j'aimerais qu'on me le corrige si c'est possible:

In a speech in favor of the Republican Party Clint East Wood pointed out that politicians are our employees.

On the one hand I think it is true because we vote in elections every 4 years for the candidate who has opinions and goals that we like and should do. the country belongs to the people and not a single person otherwise cea seraiot fascism and without our support would not be elected. More politicians are our employees because our tax dollars they receive their wages.

On the other hand politicians are not our employees because we are not their boss and they are given no order. After being elected they do whatever they want without being able to do anything against. If you do not like their work at the end of four years we can choose to vote for someone else and thus separate the politician.

Therefore politicians are our employees as they are our views on their shoulders, but not necessarily because they are freer than employees. Most important when a politician is to keep his promises and govern his country best.

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