Résumé de texte

Publié le 18 sept. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 sept. 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous ! 

Alors voila, j'ai eu une piste audio à écouter chez moi dont je doit faire le résumé et qui sera noté. je doit rendre ce résumé pour demain. 

J'ai retranscrit tout le texte mais maintenant je suis coincée, car quelque chose que je n'ai jamais était capable de faire, c'est un résumé.

Alors je demande poliment si quelque qu'un pourrait me le faire ou tout du moins m'indiquer les phrases à garder.

Merci d'avance.

(Le résumé doit faire 150 mots ou plus)


There’s a symbol so time to America we all on a piece of it. America lived its life in Chains, blue jeans, and Levi’s blue jeans.

Blue jeans sort of become a metaphor for America it self especially Levi’s and although Levi’s is not a Dior or a Chanel, it’s important in the history of fashion is probably at least is great. But one historian aims to follow the thread of this riveting story.

To find out just how Levi’s became woven into the fabric of America.

The year is 1853, the American West is still wild, transcontinental railroads are merely an idea and the 49ers are heading to California’s gold mines to find their fortune.

Levi Strauss comes to San Francisco to, aiming to set up the West Coast brand of his family’s New York dry goods business and helping the cash in on the Gold Rush.

Mining is back breaking work and it wears on clothing. A tailor named Jacob Davis sees the need for industrial strength pants.

So Jacob’s is trying to think of a way to make the pants stronger. When he looked at a horse blanket that he had in shop and the point of train on this horse blanket were reinforced with metal rivets se we thought:

“ Well, opposite metal rivets in the pants and see if they hold up”. Well, they did.

David knows he’s onto something. He approaches his supplier Levi Strauss with an idea and he suggested to leave I that this would be a great invention to patent but he didn’t have the $68 to file a patent paper so he said:

“ Il you’ll put up the money, I’ll let you be my half partner in this and we’ll take put the pattern together.”

Levi says yes and on May 20 1873 less than a decade after Civil War ended.

Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss jointly are granted the patent for the world’s first jeans.


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