sujet d'écriture d'invention en anglais

Publié le 5 déc. 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 12 déc. 2013 dans 10A
10.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

je devait faire un sujet d'invention sur les prisons en anglais.
Pouvez vous me corriger les fautes svp merci d'avance.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Today I would like to speak about secret prisons of CIA in the Eastern countries.
Indeed, the European Court of Human Rights is hearing a case brought by two terror suspects who accuse Poland of conniving in US human rights abuses. It is the first time that allegations about a CIA "black site" prison in a European country have been heard in an open court.
Mister Abu Zubaydah and another al-Qaeda suspect say they were tortured at a secret prison in Poland in 2002-2003. Mister Abu Zubaydah, a 42-year-old Palestinian is accused of terrorism for participate in 11 attacks September. The other suspect in the Poland case is Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, 48, a Saudi accused of organising the 2000 attack on the USS Cole warship in Yemen, in which 17 sailors died.
Last year the court ruled against Macedonia for abuses suffered by Khaled el-Masri, another suspect who was held for CIA interrogation.
The two men allege that they were subjected to torture, other ill treatment and incommunicado detention in Poland, while in US custody.
The "waterboard" technique - simulated drowning - was among the methods allegedly used during their interrogation. Their lawyers also say the men were subjected to mock executions in Poland and told their families would be sexually abused.
The comments of the two men seem to be confirmed by a report of the European council. Indeed, a Swiss senator Dick Marty, has returned an report unname "war on terror" who detailed operations by the CIA in several European countries. He named the Polish detention centre as Stare Kiejkuty, an intelligence training base near Szczytno in northern Poland.
Crofton Black, an investigator at the human rights group, said: "European support for the CIA's torture programme is one of the darkest chapters of our recent history - it is encouraging that the court now looks set to bring it to light, where the [Polish] government has sought to sweep it under the carpet."
"We have now uncontested evidence that the CIA was running a secret torture prison on Polish soil, with the Polish government's knowledge.
"The Polish government has failed to contest that it knew prisoners were being held beyond the rule of law and tortured by the CIA inside their own country. It has also become clear that the Polish government's investigation into the issue was in reality nothing more than a smoke-screen.
In December 2012 the judges ruled that Macedonia had violated the rights of Khaled al-Masri, a German citizen, and ordered Macedonia to pay him 60,000 euros.
**When I read this article I said my there are no country to the world do respect human rights. Furthermore, even if court has condemned Poland for violation of human rights, that this cannot condemn the USA because they don’t parties of the CEDH (EUROPEAN COURT OF HUMAN RIGHTS). So their crimes to go unpunished.
Today these men are imprisoned in Guantanamo. I think that the judgment of court will not have consequences on their fate. Indeed the USA don’t recognize the competence of court.

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