Synthese anglais sur Idea and Progress

Publié le 11 avr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 14 avr. 2015 dans 9A
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Sujet du devoir

Salut à tous j'essaie de finir mes synthèses pour le bac, mais ayant changé plusieurs fois de professeur cette année je me sens un peu perdu.. pouvez vous donner votre avis sur ma synthèse, est-elle assez longue..? Merci d'avance !

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I’m going to talk about « Idea of progress ». To begin with, I’d like to state a definition of progress. Progress is the idea that the world and the society can evolve positively in therms of sciences, technology, modernization, living condition, etc. However, the idea of progress is still debate between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s harmful. Now, I propose we look at a question : « Should we fear progress ? »

I. First of all, I think progress is essential to evolve. History is made of progress and evolution that have allowed the world to be what it’s today. Thanks to advances in sciences, medicine has become much more efficient and accessible. For example, in an article of the Time, « My body, my laboratory », a wheeled doctor explained haw he managed to connect his wheelchair to his brain in order to control it. Robotics, science, technology and biology allow progress. Wonderful inventions are due to advances such as the internet or the development of robots like the japan robot which look like a woman and which is able to reflect and make some move like humans.

II. In “Gattaca”, Antonio and Maria decide to use science for their second child and science will transform their genetic heritage, in order to have a perfect baby ideal.

They may as well decide on gender and Maria answers the doctor they would like Vincent to have a brother to play with. All that remains to select the most compatible candidate. For some people, selecting the sex of their baby is a dream come true !
All these methods and practices to transform the genetic heritage of the human species, in order to make towards a ideal determined.

But progress can be dangerous if not controlled or used for bad. In the film « Welcome to Gattaca », science and technology have led to a world without emotions, without values and whiteout freedom. Many debates arise about the progress of science as : « Should parents be able to choose their baby’s gender ? » from an article of the MailOnline. There may be some good reasons to accept, but an ethical problem arises and a larger question arises : Where are the limits of progress ?

In conclusion, I’d say progress is neither all good or all bad. Put into the hands of human beings, that knowledge can be used for medicine or great advances. It’s not scientific knowledge that is either good or evil, but the application of it.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 11 avr. 2015

c'est très bien en ce qui concerne l'anglais , mais je trouve que ton texte et une peu court.

Je te conseillerai de faire un plan plus détailler , du genre :

I. Science have good things 

a)The progress in well being of humans

b) The progress for a better health 


II. But still , the progress can be sometimes dangerous

a) The progress in procreation ( chose the sex of the baby means that in the future the society will front an inequality / the save some person's life science can create new babies to cure those who suffers from a illness , but it can be really problematic when consider that baby as an object....)




Posté le 11 avr. 2015

Tout d'abord, en ce qui concerne l'Anglais, voici quelques petites choses que tu pourrais changer:

"I'd like to state the definition"

"positively in terms of"

"However, the idea of progress is still subject to debate, between [...] that it is [...] it is harmful."

"I propose that we look at the question "

"History was built on (ou is full of) progress [...] what it is today"

"Thanks to progress in science"

"Progress in robotics, science, technology and biology has allowed us to improve the lives of many people, such as disabled people (donne un exemple, comme les prothèses pour les amputés)."

"the japanese robot which looks like a woman and that is able to reproduce some human movements"

"decide to use science to transform their second child's genetic heritage, in order to have a perfect baby."

They are also able to choose the gender of the child, and Maria tells the doctor that they would like Vincent"

"All that remains to do is to select the most compatible candidate."

"All these methods and practices can be used to transform the genetic heritage of the human species, in order to create an ideal person."

But progress can be dangerous if it is not controlled or used towards criminal or evil ends."

"Many debates arise about the progress of science, such as : « Should parents be able to choose their baby’s gender ? », which is the title of an article of the MailOnline."


Voila quelques petites chose a rajouter ou a corriger. Sinon, si j’étais toi, je développerais plus ma conclusion, ainsi que les paragraphes pour et contre le progrès. (Le plan donné par angelius205 me semble bien ;) )


Posté le 12 avr. 2015

ton texte est super ! 

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