question en anglais

Publié le 8 mai 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 mai 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

bonjour, c'est urgent,

je dois faire des phrases en utilisant used to :(lhabitude) :
mon textes est juste cela :


No more boomerang no more spear,
Now all civilised colour bar and beer,

No more corroboree gay dance and din,
Now we got movies and pay to go in.

No more sharing what the hunter brings,
Now we work for money and pay it back for things,

One time naked who never knew shame,
Now we put clothes on to hide whatsaname.

No more gunya, now bungalow,
Paid by hire purchase in twenty years or so.

Lay down the stone axe, take up the steel,
and Work like a nigger for a white man meal,

No more firestick that made whites scoff,
Now all electric and no better off.

Abstract pictures now, what they comin' at
Cripes in our caves we did better than that.

Black hunted wallaby, white hunt dollar.
White-fella witch-doctor wear dog collar.

No more message lubras and lads,
Got television now, mostly ads,

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1 er paragraphe : aborigenes used to make their weapons by the themselves, but today, we use atom-bomb, guns, riffles, grenades.

2 eme paragraphe : aborigenes used to dance, party...but today, they have to pay for entertainment.

4ème paragraphe,: aborigenes used to live naked and proud, but today they have to wear clothes and they are ashamed.

8 ème paragraphe : aborigenes used to paint walls in caves, ut today, they see abstract pictures.

je n'ai pas réussi à faire les phrases pour le 3 ème paragraphe, 5ème paragraphe, 6 ème paragraphe, 7 ème paragraphe, 9 ème paragraphe, et 10 ème paragraphe.

j'ai trouvé cette phrase mais je sais pas pour quel paragraphe le mette ??
aborigenes used to be free, but today, they are seen as slaves.

voilà, aidez moi svp, il me manque ces phrases .....

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