Analyse d'un texte

Publié le 13 nov. 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 nov. 2013 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir

The medical examiner case
A corpse has been brought to Manhattan General Hospital
“I’m Dr. Murray,” the caller said. “I’m a senior medical resident. I need to talk to someone about a drug
overdose / toxicity DOA that came in this morning.”
“What is it that you’d like to know ? Laurie asked. Drug deaths were a daily phenomenon at the M.E.
office. […]
“The patient’s name was Duncan Andrews,” Dr. Murray said. “He was a thirty-five-year-old Caucasian male.
He arrived with no cardiac activity, no spontaneous respiration, and with a core body temperature that we
recorded at one hundred eight degrees.”
“Uh, huh,” Laurie said equably1. […]
“There was massive evidence of seizure2 activity,” Dr. Murray said. “So we ran an EEG. It was flat. The lab
reported a serum cocaine level of 20 micrograms per milliliter.”
“Wow !” Laurie said with a short laugh of amazement. Dr. Murray had caught her attention. “That’s one
hell of a high level. What was the route of administration, oral ? Was he one of those ‘mules’ who try to
smuggle the stuff by swallowing condoms filled with cocaine ?
“Hardly,” Dr. Murray said with a short laugh of his own. “This guy was some kind of Wall Street whiz kid.
No, it wasn’t oral. It was IV.” […]
“Well, it sounds pretty straightforward,” Laurie said. “What’s the question ? If you’re wondering if it’s a
medical examiner case, I can tell you that it is.”
“No, we know it is an M.E. case,” Dr. Murray said. “That’s not the problem. It’s more complicated than that.
The fellow was found by his girlfriend who came in with him. But then his family came as well. And I have
to tell you, his family is connected, if you know what I mean. Anyway, the nurses found that Mr. Duncan
Andrews had an organ-donor card in his wallet, and they called the organ-donor coordinator. Without
knowing the case was an M.E. case, the organ-donor coordinator asked the family if they would permit
harvesting the eyes since that was the only tissue besides bone that might still be usable. You understand
that we don’t pay much attention to organ-donor cards unless the family agrees. But this family agreed.
They told us they definitely wanted to respect the decedent’s wishes. Personally, I think it has something to
do with their wanting to believe their son died of natural causes.” […]
“The family truly agreed ? Laurie asked.
“I’m telling you, they were emphatic,” Dr. Murray said. […]
“This sounds like a rather unique circumstance,” Laurie said. “I personally don’t think honoring the family’s
request would affect the autopsy.”
Blindsight, Robin Cook, 1992


1. Where does the scene take place ?

2. How many people are talking ? who and what is you cobdition?

3. What is the conversation about ? Answer quoting two elements from the text.

4. Complete the patient’s identity form : name, age, skin colour, medical condition, cause of medical condition.

5. True or False ? Justify.
The patient will soon be able to go home.

6. True or False ? Justify with a quotation from the text :
a) The conversation takes place on the phone.
b) Laurie is not accustomed to people dying because of drugs.
c) Duncan Andrews is dead.

7. True or False ? Justify with a quotation :
a) Laurie is surprised.
b) The patient had swallowed condoms filled with cocaine.
c) The patient had a good job in finance.

8. True or False ? Justify with a quotation :
a) Dr. Murray wants to know if it’s a medical examiner case.
b) The organ-donor coordinator is interested in using the patient’s heart.

9. a) What is the family’s feelings about donating organs ?
b) What reason do they give ?
c) What reason does Dr Murray give ?

10. Number the events in the correct order :
… The girlfriend found the patient’s body.
… Laurie agrees to taking organs from the body.
… The family agrees to donating organs from the body.
… The girlfriend accompanied the patient to the hospital.
… The nurses found the patient’s organ-donor card.
… The organ-donor coordinator asked the family if he could take organs from the body.
… The family arrived at the hospital.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1. The scene take place in Manhattan General Hospital.
4. Mr Duncan Andrews, 35 year old, white skin colour, dead, overdose.
5. False because he is dead.
6. a) True "the caller said" (l.1)

please help me for the other questions! please aidez-moi a terminer ce devoir! merci d'avance pour votre aide!

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