Anglais port d'armes

Publié le 6 avr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 avr. 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois faire un oral sur le port d'arme d'au moins 5 minutes, sur le texte ci-dessous je ne tient que 1 minute et j'ai pas d'autres idées... (PS : le début est une description d'image)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

This document is a cartoon. It dates from 2012 and it is extracted from Tribune media. I can’t see the designer who are drawing this cartoon. The headline is “The N.R.A solution”. I can see a schoolboy who own a gun instead of his bag. This character are unhappy because he looks sad in front of him. I imagine that the author wants denounce own guns in the school. The gun is very big compared to the size of the child. The goal of NRA is to encourage and to facilitate the people to own guns; there is sometimes peoples who commit a crime. The number of crimes has steadily increased. Now, many people would like to ban guns because they feel less secure with the guns and they want to limit violence.


6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 6 avr. 2015

D'abord il serait judicieux de commencer par une introduction du style :

I'm going to present the notion " Spaces and forms of power". To begin with , I'm going to give a definition of the notion , so Spaces are ............, and Forms of power .............

In relation to the notion, my presentation ,will be Weapons in USA , and I'll try to this following question : "............................. ?". In the first part we will see............, and in a second one we will talk about ..................

->>> L'intro est quelque chose que l'on ne doit pas rater et on doit on moins y passer une minute.

Posté le 6 avr. 2015


Posté le 6 avr. 2015

PS : où est le texte?

Posté le 6 avr. 2015


Ça serait mieux avec une photo du document mais, soit, on peut quand même corriger les erreurs :

This document is a cartoon. It dates from 2012 and it is extracted from Tribune media. The cartoonist is unknown. The headline is “The N.R.A solution”. I can see a schoolboy who own a gun instead of his bag. This character seems unhappy, we can see on his face that he looks sad. I imagine that the author wanted to denounce the port of registry in school (and everywhere else). The gun is very big compared to the size of the child. The goal of NRA is to encourage and to facilitate the people to own guns; there is sometimes peoples who commit a crime. The number of crimes has steadily increased. Now, many people would like to ban guns because they feel less secure with the guns and they want to limit violence.


Après tu peux peut-être ajouter que l'auteur voulait montrer que n'importe qui peut donc se procurer une arme aujourd'hui et que la taille de l'arme montre à quel point c'est dangereux et que même les enfants tombent dans la violence à cause de ça aujourd'hui, après c'est juste mon avis.


En espérant t'avoir aidé :)

Posté le 6 avr. 2015

Merci pour la correction, je ne peux pas poster l'image...

Posté le 6 avr. 2015

This document is a cartoon. It dates from 2012 and it is extracted from Tribune media. The cartoonist is unknown. The headline is “The N.R.A solution”. I can see a schoolboy who own a gun instead of his bag. This character seems unhappy, we can see on his face that he looks sad. I imagine that the author wanted to denounce the port of registry in school (and everywhere else). The gun is very big compared to the size of the child. The goal of NRA is to encourage and to facilitate the people to own guns; there is sometimes peoples who commit a crime. The number of crimes has steadily increased. Now, many people would like to ban guns because they feel less secure with the guns and they want to limit violence.

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