c'est pour demain please

Publié le 7 avr. 2016 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 avr. 2016 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

bonjour je dois faire un essay intro, developpemnt, conclu sur la question pensez vous que les britannique doivent etre honteux ou fier de leur passé coloniale. J'ai choisi fiere meme si il ya des points negatifs pouvez vous me corrigez mes fautes ce petit devoir m'aiderai bcq si j'ai une bonne note en anglais merci

British colonized India from 1757 to 1947. The british had a more flexible colonization than other countries colonizer. I think that the britain can be proud even if there are negatives points.

First of all, the British took the industry which enabled to India to develop which improved the way of life of Indians. Industry brought their steel, electricity… without them India would never have had what she has now.

Moreover, they brought their culture with the administration, police and education enabling residents to have a better instruction so to know better manage of the country, better know to use their resources and to discover other such as silk, precious metals and spices. However, most often British kept the resources for them and left very few for the Indians.

Britain and India collaborated which allowed both countries to improve their relationship with the world. Today India became a global power. Indian worked for Britain which allowed them to have a salary although it is low. The Indians were exploited. However, they have had chance unlike other countries where workers were not paid. Some people think that the British took tensions because of the low wage but after the departure of the British there have been ethnic-religious tension.

British allowed India to improve their lifestyle, their relationship with the countries although they exploited the inhabitants. However there was no enormously violence during decolonization unlike some countries.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 avr. 2016

Tu es en bonne voix

Posté le 7 avr. 2016

aucune erreur

Posté le 7 avr. 2016


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