La notion Espaces et Echanges pour le bac d'Anglais

Publié le 27 avr. 2016 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 mai 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir


pourriez vous me corriger mes plus grosses erreurs sur la notion espaces et échanges j'ai l'oral mardi et ma prof ne veux pas me corriger car elle est trop occupée...

Merci d'avance !!

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir



I am going to talk about the notion of space and exchanges.


First of all, I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. Briefly, a space can be defined as geographical and symbolic areas that all the societies live and evolve. Then, an exchange is an interaction between men or between countries, it’s these exchanges that I will study. I will talk about 2 sort of exchanges. On the one hand the temporary exchanges in order to have a good time and on the other hand, the definitive exchanges, in order to run away the war or the poverty.  


1.    Cross the border legally, to have an enriching experience


We will start by people who crossed the border to make encounters and broaden their horizons.


Erasmus is a European students’ exchanges. Over one millions students took part in this program which involves 31 Europeans countries. The students can spend from three months to a full academic year. They don’t have to pay the tuition fees and you don’t be required to be fluent in the foreign language.


This program enables them to make enriching encounters, broaden their horizons and have valuable experiences. This allowed them to become get more independent, mature and confident. The students who are involved in this program say this was the most memorable year of their student life.


Gap Year

In second part, we will talk about another kind of journey, a Gap Year.


When you set off a Gap Year, you take time out, you make a break, you do something else like travel, have work or volunteer experience. The gapers can go on a trip, have a travelling experience or spend a year backpacking. They can also work as volunteer abroad or get involved in environmental project, they can have a paid job. They can simply have fun and do sports.


This experience allows them to take a different routes and gain a deeper understanding of a culture and a country. Develop communication and leader ship skills and it helps them grow as a person. It’s an asset for a future job.


2.    Cross the border illegally, to flee poverty

In this part we will study another kind of exchanges, inevitable exchanges by the situation of the Latin-American migrants in USA.


The Latin-American are the second largest group in the USA, they outnumber the Afro-American. The number of Hispanics keep rising.


In first place we will see how the immigrants cross the border to live illegally in America and then we will see the consequence of the increase in arrivals of migrants.


To show the conditions of the border crossing between USA and Mexico, we studied an example, a city, Sasibil.  Sasibil is located on the US-Mexican border, it’s a poor dusty town. The immigrants gather there and wait to cross the border illegally. There are thousands of walkers every weeks. It takes them four days and nights to cross the desert and reach the nearest town in the US. But some of them die of exhaustion they can also die of dehydration and one third get caught but the border patrol.


In spite of that, the face of America is changing, we can call this “the browning of the USA”. The number of Hispanics in America, in 2010, is twice as high as in 2000.


More and more newcomers are settling in Middle America and more and more American People are against it. As a consequence: the government built a real fence along the US-Mexican border. The aim of the fence is to keep out illegal immigrants, to prevent them from crossing the border.


We watched in class a report on the construction of the fence. The journalist interviews a US national guard, Wilmer Valladeres, is building the fence in Arizona, near the border with Mexico. Wilmer comes from Honduras to the USA illegally 10 years ago. He crossed the border through Texas, he married an American and became a US citizen. Even if he understand the migrants, he doesn’t feel guilty for building the fence, he says he wants to protect his children from criminals and drugs.


Knowing that Mexican have an essential role in the American economy. Without them, the American economy would be in trouble. The truth is: America can’t live without them!


As a whole we can say that denounce a certain hypocrisy because on the one hand, the USA need immigrants to stimulate economy, the USA represents a promise of jobs and riches, but on the other hand, the USA builds a fence in order to stop the influx of Hispanics, and these immigrants face prejudices and encounter hardships once they arrive in the USA. We can say that America is a paradoxical nation.



All in all, we could say, the exchanges between the countries can be beneficial and interesting but he can be source of conflicts. To make a link with the actuality we can also talk of the situation of the migrants who flee the war from Syria, Afghanistan or Palestine.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 mai 2016

Tu as déjà fait un bon travail.

Maintenant ce que je peux te conseiller c'est de te renseigner sur d'autres devoir d'anglais sur le thème espaces et échanges pour voir ce que tu as pu oublier ou ce que tu as fait de bien.

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