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Publié le 24 févr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 mars 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir


Je dois faire une tâche final qui sera présenter à l'oral. Je dois présenter la biographie d'un Afro-Américain célèbre et dire en quoi il/elle a marqué l'Amérique.

J'ai déjà réalisé tout  le texte, pourriez-vous corrigez mes fautes svp :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

       Now I speak about Shelton Jackson Spike Lee, is an Africa-American film director, producer
and actor. However he is professionally known by his stage name: Spike Lee.
       First of all, he was born in Atlanta on March 20th 1957.
Indeed, he is a person who has marked the Afro-American history. Then, he won nine
american awards owing to subjects fro: movies, that he has done. Moreover his movies have been the subject of controversial debate because to fight against discrimination and segregation, he used to violent method. That's why, he insulted violently, famous film director such as Quentin Tarantino (during the promotion of Django Unchained), Clint Eastwood and Steven Spielberg, because according him their movies contained marks of racism towards the black community.
        Moreover, he's married to Tonya Lewis and they have two children: Satchel and Jackson.
Furthermore, he was making mateur films at 20 years old, and won a Student Academy
Award. Also, Lee drew attention with his first movie '' She's gotta have it'' and continues to create films that explore provoking topics like: racism, violence and politics such as in Malcom X. He's also known to have worked on the video clip from Michael Jackson: ''They don't care about us'', and he realised Inside Man.
In Conclusion, Spike Lee is alive and he don't have health problem 

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 24 févr. 2015

Salut ! Alors je voulais te faire plusieurs petites remarques à propos de ton texte ! Déjà, l'ensemble est bien et correct mais: Des fois tes link words ne convenaient pas vraiment, tu passais du coq à l'âne puis tu revenais sur e coq xD je remis un peu d'ordre, rajouté quelques trucs et corrigé les fautes que j'ai vu. Après j'en ai certainement loupé étant élève comme toi mais j'ai corrigé les plus grosses (pas beaucoup) ^^


Now I'm going to speak about Shelton Jackson Spike Lee, who is an Africa-American film director, producer
and actor. However he is professionally known by his stage name: Spike Lee.
First of all, he was born in Atlanta on March 20th 1957.
Indeed, he is a man who marked the Afro-American history. He won nine
american awards owing to subjects fro: movies, that he has done. Moreover his movies have been the subject of controversial debate because of the fact that he wanted to fight against discrimination and segregation. he made use of violent method. That's why, he insulted violently, famous film directors such as Quentin Tarantino (during the promotion of Django Unchained), Clint Eastwood and Steven Spielberg, because according him their movies contained marks of racism towards the black community.
Furthermore, he made mateur films at 20 years old, and won a Student Academy
Award. Also, Lee drew attention with his first movie '' She's gotta have it'' and continues to create films that explore provoking topics like: racism, violence and politics such as in Malcom X. He's also known to having worked on the video clip from Michael Jackson: ''They don't care about us'', and he realised Inside Man.

But behind after his work, he's got a private life: he's married to Tonya Lewis and they have two children: Satchel and Jackson.

Today still, he's alive and in good health and we hope that he'll continue to produce such awesome movies!

Posté le 26 févr. 2015

Merci beaucoup car j'ai pus constaté que effectivement j'avais commis quelque erreurs :)

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